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Kiara ran away right when I was going to do pictures.


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She's been doing so good and coming when called. I had the garage door up because of finishing up the outdoor lights. My dd raced out the kitchen door that leads to the garage and didn't shut it tight. I'm in the house letting the big dogs out back and walk through the family room to see the kitchen door open. My precious Hannah is just standing there afraid to leave, but the other three (Kiara, Abbey & Ninja, the Westie) are gone. I race outside and scream for my dd to help. Ninja comes racing to me and leaps into my arms. I can't say enough about that little guy. I put him inside and see my dd and her friends following Kiara. Knowing Kiara, she thinks this is fun and welcomes anyone to follow along w/ her. I know my neighbors have dogs, so I run around to their backyard, and there's Abbey flirting w/ their dogs through the glass door. She immediately comes when called. Now in pursuit of Kiara and afraid of waisting time, I race off w/ Abbey in my arms. I cut through several neighbor's lawn to catch up w/ the kids hot on Kiara's trail. My dh is also there and takes Abbey from me to free my hands to tackle Kiara. I didn't know I was in such good shape to keep up w/ her. Kiara of course thought this was fun to have everyone on a wild adventure w/ her. She never got out of sight, but knew how to stay just out of reach. I was getting mad and ready to give up after running halfway through the neighborhood. I told dd I quit and she reminded me how I always tell her to stay positive and never give up. With the help of our neighbor, he went one way and we went another and cornered her in someone's yard. I got to say, I love that look of defeat when the ears go down and she walks to me in the surrender mode. I pick her up and she gives me a kiss as if to say "thanks, that was fun!" For those of you who say run the other way, this does not work w/ Kiara. I met up w/ my dh who was driving the neighborhood for her. Would you believe she asked for a treat when I got her home?

Anyways, having said that, my pictures still aren't done. I will do them tomorrow and get cards mailed by the weekend.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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So glad you caught her! I've chased after a single free westie. I've chased after a single free cairn. I cringe to think of three on the loose all at the same time!!!

The "turn and run the other way" method doesn't work in our house either. Kiara sounds a lot like Currey....even a treat cannot convince him that a good game of chase is OVER. Scary!!!

Glad all your pups are safe and sound at home now!!

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PHEW that must have been very nerve-wracking. I bet your blood pressure went way off the Richter scale. So glad you got them all before something terrible happened.

With regards to those people who say run the other way - yeah right, as if a Cairn cares! He's oo busy running the other way and couldn't care less which way you've run cos he's smelt FREEDOM :devil:

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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I am glad to know that I am not the only one who has a Cairn that likes the chasing game. And the ears back surrender pose is the best!

Also, I am glad to know that I am not the only one who hasn;t gotten the cards out. I have been working on them the past few nights. You guys will get them soon! I promise!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Wow, what a crazy story! Once I had a Border Collie who escaped

the backyard, ran across the street into the neighbors backyard really

early in the morning and I ran over there in my skimpy short nightgown

and barefooted into their backyard and dragged her home. I hope no one

seen me! In conclusion, it didn't work out with the Border Collie so

I let a nice lady have her who lived out in the country. :)

Proud owner of Mr. Cheezle! :)

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I didn't know I was in such good shape to keep up w/ her. ... Would you believe she asked for a treat when I got her home?

That makes me tired just reading it! And yep, I absolutely believe she asked for a treat!

When you look up chutzpah in the Yiddish dictionary, there's a picture of a Cairn staring back. :lol:

Max and Nelly

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