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Grrrrrr! crazy morning

sheila and Misty

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sheila and Misty

I think Im fairly patient but this morning I was ready to snap. thought you might enjoy this little story.

First of all its been a constant drizzle here since yesterday-which means alot of mud.

first time out I had to go out in my pjs in the mud in the rain and distract my two from cornering a rabbit. Misty got a good mouthfull of fur and was gagging while Im trying to get the fur out of her moiuth Toby took a peice and was choking- The rabbit left -finally got them back in and had to demud paws and my shoes too. my hair was flat and I was cold-to the dryer.

1hour later they got me to let them out again.....this time squirell..mad dash to the shed only to come back with more mud and wet dog oder. back to the dryer

ok no problem oh and since yesterday been trying to get a fecal sample for the vet appoint today-has she gone yet? yeah once -waaay in the back so when the rain slowed down -I went back it was gone.

guess the rain dissipated it- so hopefully I can catch her going before we leave for the appointment .

on the phone with mom-they caught me off guard-let them out again.....deer this time 10 feet away from my door-2 of them...the huge chase in the rain to the back fence-more mud...............well like I usually do and will the rest of the day put them on their leads ...we shall see. wont prevent all mud but at least I wont have to go back out-unless they tangle..(did I say that?) oh Im tired already I hope the rain stops by the time we leave this evening-cairns ,mud and cars just dont go well together..

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Sometimes my DH feels like the Terrioriers' personal door man...go out, come in,

go out, come in, ad nauseum. And of course, they don't all go out or come in

at once. And when they're at the sliding door ready to come in, we humans

better respond in a hurry...else listen to the single bark every 15 seconds.

Then if it gets too long, it turns into a double bark every 15 seconds.

I'm sure they're glad they have us so well trained!

Sorry about your having to play in mud pies all day...been there, done that... :confused:

Max and Nelly

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