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worst fright ever!


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Just had the biggest fright of my life the other day. I was fixing my hair in the mirror and Harvey was in the same room and all morning he's been chewing on a rawhide bone, i dont give him these often but i had one in the cupboard so i thought i'd treat him, i was so wrong when he gets to the end of the bone he makes it all soft and tries to swallow it whole and he done this and i heard him whimper and i grabbed him he was he choking in real distress going round and round in circles and doing a wee cry and sounded like he was trying to be sick and i was screaming hysterics the whole family came in and there was 5 of us trying to help him i had my hand right done his throat i couldnt feel anything and my brother was trying to thrust under his ribcage but nothing came and it was so scary i just kept thinking it only takes a few minutes for them to die if they are choking, i cant help but panic the tears were streaming he pulled away from us and he seemed ok as if he'd swallowed it he drank loads of water . Its been a few days now and thank goodness everything is ok but im going to be so wary now.

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I give my 2 CET dental chews which are great because they are not raw hide but I have had that scare a few times. They get soft and get them stuck.. After they would drink ALOT of water. I know keep and eye on them and when it gets to the size they could swallow it I take it away. I know what you mean, it is scary!

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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What a frightening experience for you, your family and especially for Harvey.

My vet gave me a booklet on Canine First Aid which includes the Heimlich manuver as well as CPR.

After hearing of Oprah's recent loss of one of her beloved Golden's due to airway obstruction from a small ball, I have been looking for a more comprehensive but easy to follow book for emergencies.

I did a search and found this book and thought I would share the link here:


Here is the link for CPR (from the above book):


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poor harvey, glad he is okay. i agree, i never give give my dogs those things now -but i have had a scary incident. live and learn. by the way, if you have another incident like this, check harvey's ribs and stomach to see if he is breathing, even if shallow. if he is, you have time to come up with a calm solution. if he is not breathing, you have to do the heimlich.

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I'm so glad he is ok. I do not give chew bones.

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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Thanks everyone. It was the Heimlich manuver i had heard of and read about and i was trying to remeber it so its really essential to know these things. I've got a Cairn terrier book that has a few pages about first aid so i will be studying that so i have the knowledge, its just you panic so must i didnt know what to do first for the best.


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thank god he's ok! (hugs) c c that must have been horrible for you both.

true we all hear of these dangers but isnt sad we have to worry about giving our dogs a bone ( thats what dogs do and love!!) and if we do give the pooch something and he chokes we tend to blame ourselves.

hope YOU arent doing that. these things happen. i have a friend who wont give her dog rawhide yet he swallowed a ceramic floor tile and nearly died. i've heard of dogs choking on acorns.

we have become such a fearful generation,

we worry our dogs will choke to death on bones

we worry our children will get snatched playing outside

its ok to be cautious but try not to let it shake up. enjoy harvey.

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Awww thanks Caseysmama your words are so right we worry so much and its the things you wouldnt expect are a danger too. You want them to have fun and enjoy new things and do things dogs do you just have to be wary.

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