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does your Cairn have the cutest tush?


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When we walk with the dogs, of course Cricket and Lucy are up in front..

I always remark.."doesn't Cricket have the cutest rearend?"

She looks like she is wearing balloon pants..."puffy pants"...or as my dad would describe as "tumbler pants"


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I posted this pic a long time ago because I just loved the little curly-Q's on Barney's rear end! They are gone now that he is older, but he still has a cute rear none the less! :lol:


All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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Here is Greta's tushie. She is checking out my new knitting basket I got for Christmas.


There is no faith which has never yet been broken except that of a truly faithful dog. -- Konard Lorenz
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When Renny was about 4 months old I had him groomed for the first time. There was a definite fluffiness around his rear end. From behind, he looked like a duck wearing a Tutu.

I like the new format, but have two quick questions. How do I get the color to show in the post, and where did my avatar go?


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