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Christmas fun...


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The girls had fun on Christmas morning, but one of their new toys didn't last till breakfast.

Out the door...


Game of tug-o-war


ooops! we killed it...


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What fun they were having. Digger pretty much killed his Christmas Moose as well. The funny thing is Digs actually acts like he misses his buddy after we have to throw him in the trash. "If you loved him so much, why did ya kill him"? He doesn't have an answer to that one!

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It looks like they had a blast! Scout and Finch were given a mallard this Christmas. There is a tennis ball attached to it and the mallard quakes!


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Looks like fun! And... I'm extremely jealous to see green grass on Christmas! This white stuff we keep getting is making me nuts!!!!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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I can relate to the toys not lasting long.

Please have a moment of silence for Cody's new rope/squeeker toy. It made it an entire week. (I need to buy stock in Petsmart or something...)



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