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Eli, here!


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Boy, these uprights are so unpredictable! They seem to have their own agenda. But they are cute and loving and funny. I guess that's why we live with them! Anyway.... my Alpha took ALL our stuff and the older-than-dirt guy's stuff out of the shed and garage, put it in the driveway, and let perfect strangers come and look at it, give her something green, and take the stuff away. She seemed pretty happy about the green stuff they gave her. I inspected everything and don't think we'll miss anything. I also acted as official GREETER, which was a HUGE job. But I was very good at it, as you can imagine. Everyone thought I was very handsome and well behaved, :halo: which I am. I got to play "rottweiller" for a while. They gave me an old baby doll to chomp. And a Miss Piggy. Some people wanted to "buy" me, :shock: but the Alpha said NO! Thank goodness! I have worked pretty hard to "break her in" and I would hate to have to start over with a new upright.

I overheard the Alpha say that a painter and a tree-trimmer are coming soon. I'm not quite sure what they do, but I'm betting they are gonna need my supervision.


Eli B)


Hey Eli --

A "Miss Piggy"? Is that anything like bacon, or ham or a pork chop? I get to lick the dish that holds bacon once in a while, and that is just wonderful.

Wish I could have my own Piggy! You are just so lucky, Eli.



Yo Eli!

I don't know WHAT those uprights of yours would do without you. I'll bet it's because of you that they made so much of that green stuff. I'm sure it's your charming ways and not that old junky stuff they were trying to sell that helped so much. Hopefully it's all going to you for new toys and T-bone steaks!

Yo da man!



Hi, Eli! Barney here! My Mommy did the same thing yours did, but she hawled everything to her upright friend's house and brought me along! Ah....new grass to pee on! Oh, and two houses down there was this little fluff ball on a leash, barking at me! I think Mommy said it was a Peekandsneeze.....wait a minute.......no, maybe it was Peekancheese! Oh well, something like that! Anyway, the yappy little furball hurled insults at me all day! And in my finest Cairn bark, I returned some to her!! Like, "Oh yea? Well you look like you just came out of the fluff cycle!" or "Oh yea? Well your Mother was a lint ball!" I may be little, but I can bark with the big boys!! She brought my crate and I went inside in the air conditioning and took a rest. When I came back out, the furball was gone. Yea! I scared her away just like you would, oh fearless leader!!

How am I doin'?

Your faithful CUR follower,


All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!


Ah, Barney, my little protege! You are growing up so fast and learning so well. :thumbsup: I am glad you gave that lint-ball what-for! Some people think we are yappy, lappy lint-balls. We are NOT! We are rough and tough and will rule the world! Speaking of ruling the world, I heard this is an election year and I was gonna run for president. :idea: But I can't get out of the yard with that invisible fence and I learned that I am not old enough to vote. So that plan is on the back burner for now. I know I would get a lot of votes from my fellow dawgs. And I hear that presidents get all the belly rubs they want, just because they are president! Like that guy, Bill Clinton!


Eli B)



I think you would be an awesome President! It would also give us a way to spread the word to other dawgs about the CUR! But since you aren't old enough to run, I think that we should have a Cairn Talk President and I would like to nominate you for the runnings. You have been to so many cool places like those 10,000 lakes with the bears and such! You seem very wise and worldly and that is just what we need. But being President won't be all fun and games. You will have to write the Cairn Talk constitution and give speeches and create laws. Are you up for the challange????

Best of luck Presidential Nominee Eli! I would be honored to help you with your campain.


We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page


Hey, Eli! Guess what? I was really bored last night so I came up with a CUR national anthem! Let me know what you think!

(to the tune of My Country 'Tis of Thee)

C-U-R Cairns unite!

Cause all earth's rodents fright!

Mighty are we!

Bark at all things for fun,

When uprights call, just run!

Be mastered by no one!

True to Eli be!

Think it will work for us?



All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!


Wow, Barney! :lol: You are BRILLIANT!!! 'Corse, you are my protege, that explains why you are so smart. I might make you campaign manager, or VP! But remember, I cannot leave the yard b/c of the invisible fence. No siree, not for people, votes, squirrels, kissin' babies, not anything. I really adhere to that rule. I hear lots of politicians do not adhere to the rules, so maybe I would not make a good one. Think about it, I wouldn't be able to go to any of those big fundraisers, or conventions, or world peace summits if I can't get out of the yard.


Eli B)

Plus, I kinda like it here, but don't tell the Alpha. I don't want her to get the upper paw. ;)


Hey Eli,

The world would be a better place if you were President. First of all, it would be my claim to fame. Anyone who would see me during our morning walks would show me respect just because I am a cairn. Second of all, I'm sure you will create a law such that we don't have to work for those treats...."What do you mean sit? That's illegal! Woof!" I can now imagine the look on my uprights' faces.....



Hey Eli sounds like you are doing a great job doing the upright training buisiness! Keep them on their toes! B)


Now Eli......are you absolutely sure there wasn't a price tag sticker on your butt and they just changed their mind about selling ya? :whistle:


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