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Selective hearing

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Our 12 yr old Scottie is definitely slowing down, and my husband thinks her hearing is going….I beg to differ…why when I open the package of cheese and she isn’t any where near the kitchen I find her standing beside me.🤣🐾🐾💕


  • Haha 3

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie



Yes, our first cairn Annie could hear the "slide" of the refrigerator cheese door well into her old age, and was always sure it meant she would be getting a treat.

Now the boys Oban and Angus show up whenever we slide out the freezer door.  They know there is ice cream in there. They don't get it as often as they think they should...

They have also decided they like mango sorbet. I am just recovering from a 4-week respiratory virus during which I lost my sense of taste and coughed terribly. Only mango sorbet appealed, and I made the mistake of letting them taste it. Now they are determined in their requests for more...

  • Haha 1

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