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sick cairn puppy!


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Hi! I have a 4 month old cairn puppy, Ferg, who has been having some weird health issues. He is normally a super CRAZY energetic pup who basically has to be forced into taking a nap, will eat anything, is not scared of anything, and loves playing with people and other dogs. He has been getting weird health problems that are waxing and waning though.....it started the first weekend of January, he became incredibly lethargic and didn't want to eat or do anything. He was crying in pain only sometimes when touching his head on the left side...it was a whole ordeal, my vet at the time (who i have since left) told me he was fine and i was just seeing him be dramatic at home...eventually was diagnosed with a "possible" infection in his gums because they noticed the pain reaction and then was sent home with subcu antibiotics and pain killers. He bounced back to normal within a few days and I thought it was over. Two weeks later it happens again....this time my new vet diagnosed him with a ruptured ear drum and inner ear infection and thought that perhaps the first time he had an ear infection and that is what caused the rupture. he had ear drops, antibiotics, the whole thing, and he bounced back...except now it is all happening AGAIN, just about two weeks after the second round of symptoms. His ears are perfectly fine now, they did a blood panel and everything turned back normal, his vitals have been fine this whole time (he hasn't even run a fever). other symptoms we have noticed: he sticks his tongue out ever so slightly most of the time during the sickness phases, he seems to sit a lot if he is awake, he becomes hyper sensitive to touch and sounds, he becomes timid, and sometimes he just sort of whines with no reason. we are headed to an internist for diagnostic imaging and anything else they might recommend this coming week....just not sure what to think. Wondering if anyone else out there has had similar issues? called my breeder, they had never heard of such a thing in their pups and said no other littermates were having problems and the parents had never had health issues....hoping someone else would in the world might have experienced such a thing with their puppy....of course this doesn't sub for vet advice and i am hopeful that the internist will be able to find some answers but if anyone can think of anything please let me know! 

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Here are 2 long shots—

A family dog had similar symptoms. The vet opened his mouth REALLY wide to find that the poor dog had a sore throat. 

Another pooch was discovered to have had some lesions in his mouth.

i hope your pup gets some relief!


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That's a tough one.  I wonder about something neurological-- the episodic nature of symptoms, the tongue sticking out-- but that's just a wild guess.  Poor little guy, just getting started!   Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fergie, my only guess would be Cranio-Mandibular Osteopathy, I hope by now the internist has x-rayed your pup's jaws to see if that is what is going on, and has found whatever is causing this episodic pain, no puppy should suffer this way!

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