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Appropriate toys for my Cairn Terrier Puppy


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I have a wonderful 8 month old male Cairn Terrier and I am looking for suggestions on Toys that her can not destroy with in an hour.  I purchased Kong Treat dispenser and he had chewed it into multiple pieces (in a couple of hours).  I bought an alligator tough skins toy and he shredded it over time.  Has anyone found a sturdy toy that a Cairn can not shred or destroy?

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We had the best luck with Nylabone Galileo (wolf size) and a ball I found called a Planet Dog Orbee

Some dogs are ball-dogs and some are not. With the Nylabone, we generally experienced that almost all of them did not "take" to it immediately; indeed they just ignored it for a while (days, weeks). Eventually they'd start to gnaw on it and then it became a thing for them for a while. 

Another option is to forget trying to out-tough them and give her an empty water bottle for a short-lived, but inexpensive temporary toy.  She'll chase and bat it around for while (often hilariously and noisily due to its shape), and then begin to dismantle it. You have to watch them and take it away immediately once she starts to shred it. (We usually also cut off the ring-cap as an extra safety measure.) This approach is short-life, low-cost, high-supervision, high fun. I recognize that disposable/recyclable water bottles are a hot-button for many, so accept or reject that suggestion in harmony with your values :) 

A young Cairn is a force of nature with busy and prodigious teeth. Enjoy! :P 

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My Westies loved to chase empty plastic bottles. Katie Cairn ( 2 1/2yrs),  not so much. One Westie just loved to tear apart any soft toy, so much so that I would troll thrift shops for some she could destroy. Once she had all the stuffing out she no longer had any interest.

Katie loves the treat dispenser from Kong and the purple Jolly Ball. Every night she gets a Jolly Ball with Charlie Bears! Gives us a few minutes of peace.

As a pup and even now she like things she can "tug of war" with like Kong Wubba. The Zany Ball entertains her with its twisting and turning, but is a pain to replace the batteries..

We bought the green frog last week (PetSmart) because it said it had a tough construction and a encased squeaker and she is enjoying it without destroying it.

Tried Nylabone, no interest. Elk horn is good, but prefers Himalayan Dog Chews. 

These terriers are particular and individualized in their preferences. When we have a toy that is no interest we clean it up and take it to our local SPCA gift shop for "recycling". A good idea is to rotate the toys. Put a couple away and then bring them back out in a month or two.

So far, no toy has replaced Katie's obsession with stealing our shoes!!!

Enjoy this most challenging time with these irrepressible creatures!



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Hardly anything can withstand those huge teeth, that enthusiastic attack. The toughest Kong was no match for my Angus. Like for brad I found big tough nylabones took the longest to reduce to nothing. Angus often chewed for a bit and then left them coming back off and on. Eventually they wore to a small nub where I had to watch and throw away in case he swallowed one.

He had a lot of fun scrambling around the part in the yard we set aside for him -  tussling with tree/bush roots was great. He growled at them, he shook them, he tugged them, he dug down by their roots. He was tied by a harness on a long line and the area was small and I could see him from wherever I was.

Also he had a raw bone to chew when outside. I know not everyone thinks it a good idea to give bones to dogs. One has to think about ti carefully. I got fresh raw bones from a local butcher that butchered hunters' deer etc and farmers beefers. Chewing the bones gave the greatest satisfaction of anything he put his mouth on and in addition kept his teeth sparkly clean. I did not let him have a bone when I was not there. I limited the time he had with it. Also I had to be careful what bones to give as some splinter more easily. Big beef or bison femur or hip bones were good. Anything small like turkey or chicken can splinter. Always fed raw and unfrozen.

Would agree with pk  - another cairn to chase around and play with is magical. Or just another dog.  Angus loved going to doggy day care and visiting with my friends' terriers.

By the time he was two this need to tear things apart was much less but it lingered on and I never could leave anything lying around.

And playing games with him is good too. I gave Angus puzzles, played hunt the treat and so on.


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