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Picky Eater


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Ruffy is 12 yrs old, and has always consistently maintained his 20 lb weight, with good body definition and a clearly defined waistline. He gets 2 short walks daily and a 2+ mile walk  most days. I feed him a generous 1/2 cup twice a day plus some treats/biscuits. For various reasons over the years I've had him on a variety of foods: expensive fresh-frozen, or high quality kibble and canned, to the cheapest canned, when in a pinch. No matter the food, his pattern is constant. He cleans his bowl 5-7 days a week, but refuses to touch it one - two days a week. On his "off" days, I can only get him to eat if I get down on the floor and feed him by hand...but I don't want to establish this as a habit, so I don't do this as a rule.

On  his off days I tried mixing in a bit of raw or cooked meat, etc. to the bowl, but he picks out those morsels and leaves the rest. 

My questions are: Do others have this same experience?... Should I just accept this as a variation of the norm? (I think some folks actually advocate "fasting" a dog one day a week)... Is he spoiled and trying to train me to indulge him with hand-feeding?

I would appreciate any feedback you might offer. Thanks!



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maybe that's how he maintains his figure? i know some people who do something like this, and i think i had a cat that would  did something very similar. and of course maybe he thinks is it entertaining to keep you on your toes.  if it is not a change, i would assume that it is something he has worked out for himself. is he regular in his habits? he may feel a little constipated on certain days and lay off till everything is normal. 

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Like pk I have a cat that does this. Eats most of the time but takes a break now and then. She's fine and healthy so I just go with her wish.

Maybe it's that way with Ruffy. He just needs an eating pause now and then. If he's healthy then I'd go with his wish.

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This is what we go with Winston 1-2 times a week as well.  If he skips breakfast I usually just double up dinner (1/2 + 1/2 = 1 full cup) and most of the time he'll clean the bowl.  If he eats breakfast and skips dinner, I will usually use dinner as training treats later in the evening so he doesn't go to bed on an empty stomach.  But sure sounds like a terrier move to me.  Independent = Stubborn right?

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A balanced Home cooked or raw with no kibble...our two never refuse their grub .

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

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Oban used to skip a meal once in a while, or leave part of it in his bowl. Now that we have two dogs, the whole meal time experience has changed.  Each dog eats from his bowl with a wary eye on the other, making sure no bit or atom of food is left for the other to consume. When both have finished their meal, they check each other's bowls, hoping that somehow their brother has missed the smallest amount. Vegies that were sometimes not consumed quickly are now eaten with no second thought. If I could package this eating pattern and market it to families with children, I would make a fortune...

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Thanks Kathryn... This is the best suggestion yet! Get a second cairn and problem is solved. I can't wait to tell Ruffy... I'm sure he'll be thrilled.😜

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i didn't ask but is he a grazer or a diner? a lot of grazers get bored with food and just leave it. then it gets stale and they want it even less. kathryn's principle is dining --you can do it with one cairn (though two sounds superior in many ways). just pick up the food after a half an hour and don't offer it again till the next meal. same routine. as long as the food disappears quickly if not eaten, you'll be testing whether ruffy is just bored with the food or not. 

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Good question. Having adopted Ruffy as a 3 year old, I suspect he might have been raised on “free-feeding” as a grazer. On days when he decides to eat, he often leaves approx 1/3 in his bowl.  Late in the evening, on our way out the door, with his harness and leash on, he will stop and leisurely nibble away and finish his bowl as I stand waiting, keys in hand, bundled up (in winter) with coat, hat, scarf, gloves, etc! Ridiculous, right!?!...but it always amuses me to indulge him, so I do.😀



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I can attest to the fact that a second dog won't necessarily make any difference.  Ziggy was always a food hound and gobbled up his meals the minute they were set in front of him.  Since Nattie joined us, however, he has gradually become more like her - "Maybe I'll have a nibble or two now and finish it later."  

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I feed my Max and Chloe Orijen dry in the morning and raw beef/chicken/turkey etc. in the evening. There are occasions when they don't finish or don't eat their morning meal. I'll give them a little time to change their minds but will pick the food up and won't feed again until evening. My philosophy is that a hungry dog will eat when he's hungry. I don't fret much if they skip a meal. I should probably do the same myself!

Considering that dogs will eat from the trash, drink from the toilet and scavenge other animal's poop, and mine don't, I figure they're eating very healthfully with the diet they're on in the quantities they get. Plus, it's the best offer they have day in and day out. If they could talk, I'm sure they'd say, "Thank you!".

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