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What a bold little thief

Malcolm's Dad

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Thank you all for your thoughts in the Nattie grooming thread about my back getting better. What happened with Malcolm was Saturday night but I'm just getting to posting it now. I type a line or two then have to give up for a while.

I've been eating with a tray in my lap. It hurts to lift my arms to the table. I made some hot dogs in the microwave. A lot easier that way. I sat down to eat. Malcolm came to sit by my leg. Should have known better. Hot dogs are a favorite target for him. I had two hot dogs on my plate. Started to eat one. Malcolm lifted up and put his paws on my leg. Then he boldly snatched the other hot dog and ran into the living room. In the past he would jump onto the kitchen chair if I get up and steal food from the table. It was too easy to steal from the tray.

Next thing I know Oscar (the parrot) is hollering. He said "Hey! How come Malcolm got a hot dog and I didn't?" So I made another hot dog and gave Oscar some small pieces. Then I sat down to eat the rest. Malcolm came over to sit by my leg again. I told him forget it this hot dog isn't leaving my hand. And don't you dare think about jumping onto the tray.

Edited by Malcolm's Dad
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man, your house is a tough place to survive. remember you need your strength to get better!

all the schemes that cairns can hatch to steal food could make up a pretty entertaining book (or, if we could get it on film, a feature movie). glad malcolm is keeping up the honor of the breed. he's raising the bar, so raise it back

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Good to hear from you, Malcolm's Dad.  Sorry about all the pain and hope the pets bring some comfort and companionship.

Our now long-gone T Bone was our food thief. He once grabbed and gobbled, before we could even say anything, a four-ounce piece of soft French cheese from our coffee table, right in front of guests. Gave him the runs for 2 days...

Hot dogs are among Oban's favorite foods too.  Whenever I go to Costco and get a cheap hotdog, I always cut off the ends and bring them home to him. He would definitely eat a whole one -- or two -- if he could get his teeth on them...Malcolm is clever and quite bold!

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Malcolm's Dad. We have missed you. So good to hear from you. Malcolm always has a tale to tell - and Oscar too. Hoping you can get some relief from your pain.

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Nattie wants to know if Malcolm gives lessons on food-snatching.  She has made a few (failed) attempts and doesn't quite have the hang of it yet.

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Guest dog person

I don't find this type of behavior in a cairn (or any dog) amusing.

It borders on guarding.  What do you think would have happened if another dog intervened and tried to grab the hot dog?

A result such as serious eye damage, like my cairn did to my other smaller dog?

Gate the dog in another room when food is being served.

I am still taking my little dog back and forth to the ophthalmologist because of this type of behavior.   Not funny.

PS: Sorry, Malcom's Dad, but I want to spare you even more problems.   Take care of yourself, I hope you are feeling better soon.

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Malcolm’s Dad seems like pretty much normal behaviour for most dogs ..hot dogs are such an alluring food. Even I like them...and don’t eat a lot of meat. Sam if we aren’t looking will stand on his back legs and that tongue of his (like a snake) flicks all over the edge of the table hoping and willing what ever is on a plate will magically come to him.

 I have a friend whose had a very large Bouvier. He was very adapt in counter surfing. One day she went to work forgetting to remove a couple of items from the counter.  One was a loaf of bread the other a big bag of Werther candies. Upon coming home at the end of the day the bread was no where to be found and the only thing of the large bag of Werthers was the actual bag...but no Werthers. The following day she went out to scoop poop and lo and behold, Archer, the Bouvier, had pooped out the candies intact and still in their gold wrappers. I have never looked at a Werthers candy in the same light after that. So be grateful it was only a hot dog.😋😂

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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good advice, dog person! but when it comes to cairns, malcolm's day has been through it all. he is the cairn daddy of the century. we all remember malcolm's wild days. MD may sound pretty casual, but he well understands what evil lurks in the heart of every cairn...

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