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Nattie's first official grooming


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We took her to the groomer yesterday - same groomer Ziggy uses.  Her breeder said she had always been clipped (since her show days), and although I was hesitant to let her take the clippers to my girl we went ahead with it.  I think she looks fairly good, but a bit short for my taste.  It will look better once her hair grows out in a few weeks.


Nattie groomed 051218.jpg

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She looks lovely!

One thing we can be sure of, all will grow out.

Finding the right groomer is a real a treat.

As satisfying as finding the right hairdresser or doctor!


We also had our 11 ½ month Katie groomed this week for the first time.

A different dog came home! Gone was the bush baby!

Our local sheshe/posh grooming salon doesn’t do any stripping.

Katie’s breeder offered to strip groom her again but she is 3 hours away and would necessitate an overnight stay. We were seriously considering this. 

Since having Katie we have only met 5 or 6 other Cairns and they were from out of town. Recently we met a couple walking a Cairn and a Westie and again we asked about grooming recommendations.

WOW and she is only an hour away!  She used to own, show and groom Cairns for show. We made an appointment and couldn’t be more pleased. Not only for her grooming skills but also for information about keeping up Katie’s hard coat and Cairn Terriers in general. A true treasure.





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Looking good Nattie. Watch your six, little girl, the boys will be coming around. :hug:

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Sassy Jan 22, 2005



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10 hours ago, Malcolm's Dad said:

Nattie and Katie look  great. remltr is right. They might hear from Dempsy.

Nice to hear from you again Malcolm's Dad!  How's your boy doing these days?

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Malcolm is doing good. I'm not. My back  has been acting up. When I sit by the computer I can't type. Lifting my arms up to the desk causes pain so I  don't post much. I can use the mouse for a while so I can see the forum. I love to hear about Nattie.

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i'm so sad to to hear that you are in such pain. take care. let malcolm do all the heavy lifting. he's a strong boy. 

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4 hours ago, Malcolm's Dad said:

Malcolm is doing good. I'm not. My back  has been acting up. When I sit by the computer I can't type. Lifting my arms up to the desk causes pain so I  don't post much. I can use the mouse for a while so I can see the forum. I love to hear about Nattie.

How awful that you're in so much pain.  Our weather certainly hasn't helped, with all the dampness and constant temperature fluctuations.  I pray you'll feel better soon.  Nattie sends a good dose of dog spit, which she says will cure anything.:hug:  

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Malcolm's Dad, I'm so sorry to read that you are in such pain and know how excruciating it can be. Along with the other folks here, I am hoping for the best for you and that you find some relief, medically, or with therapy or pain relievers.

Im told that some people are able to use voice commands with their computers and wonder if that would be worth trying, imperfect though it might be. Bottom line - I'm sincerely hoping for some improvement for you!


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Malcolm’s Dad look after yourself...I love your posts and it’s great to hear Malcolm’s adventures.

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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On May 15, 2018 at 8:29 PM, hheldorfer said:

 Nattie sends a good dose of dog spit, which she says will cure anything.:hug:  

😯 Did you really mean to write "dog spit", or was it a typo for "dog spirit"? But if as you say, a good dose of dog spit works - then by all means, send it😀


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Guest dog person

Dog saliva contains natural antibodies.   That is why dogs will instinctively lick their wounds and anyone else's in an attempt to heal.....

However, not sure if this is a scientific fact, but I do know that this goes on in nature. 

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5 hours ago, sanford said:

😯 Did you really mean to write "dog spit", or was it a typo for "dog spirit"? But if as you say, a good dose of dog spit works - then by all means, send it😀

I absolutely meant "dog spit".  😁  Not sure if there's any scientific backing for it but our dogs have always felt that it was a cure-all.

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