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Here we go again!


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Well, here we go again. Last night, I was upstairs working and my husband (who is less conscientious than myself) had the puppy downstairs with him in the family room. I heard him yell at her and later was told that he caught her chewing the berber carpet. He told me that she didn't eat any and was only pulling up. However, I know he might not have noticed or would not have told me if she did because of my "OCD" --- I noted a small spot  (about two inches) on the carpet that has threads all pulled. I know exactly the horror stories of dogs who have done this and what the carpet does to their insides. I couldn't sleep last night and a nervous wreck. I gave puppy some pumpkin with kibble last night (even though she had already eaten dinner). She has not vomited. This happened about 7:30 CDT last night. This morning, she had a normal bm but has not eaten her breakfast yet. I mixed more pumpkin in her kibble. I am waiting to see if anything comes up. I know I shouldn't be so paranoid but I can't help it. :(

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