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Tip toeing through the yard

Sam I Am

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As a few of my posts have noted we go from a tolerable winter days to an unbelievable and brutal cold one, all within literally hours. Take today and yesterday for instance. It’s -33C with the wind chill at night -40 , but in true Alberta style, the sky is blue, and it looks very pretty till one steps outside . Poor Sam...he is going cabin crazy and we all know what happens to a young Cairn who is bored....trouble. He doesn’t understand why his daily walks have stopped and why he can only be out in the yard to do potty. He won’t tolerate having boots on like his cousin Rosie , so within minutes he is pathetically standing with as many legs raised as he can to maintain staying upright. I hate this cold as much as the dogs, although Rosie seems content to be a couch potato. So tomorrow it is supposed to go to -1C...nuts. 

A picture of a deceivingly beautiful blue Alberta day...wind chill -40


Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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We've had a couple days like that where it looks gorgeous out.  Blue sky, bright and still - holy buckets was it cold out!!  😁Deceiving as all get out!! Demps doesn't last long - we run to the shop to do our morning walks for poos - he just gives up about halfways there and rolls over on his back with all fours straight up in the air. Poor little guy - I scoop him up and meet Elsie at the shop door.  She is jumping with one foot up then the other.  They too were eager to get out and enjoy the beautiful day .... "WHAT!  BRRRR."  Happy to have the shop and happy to get back in the house - oh yeah, a little boredom sounds wonderful.  We have lucky little dogs to have a nice warm house to be bored in. 😀 This morning was 22 below with wind chill - warm one - its been down to 30 below without wind chill. But still is a great place to live.  So sorry for California. 

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Yes those poor folks in California . It makes our climate headache trivial compared what they have and are going through. I have always said, living in our area definitely has its up sides. Even though we may freeze our fingers and toes off, at least we don’t have flood although we certainly seem to be getting our share of fires also.

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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10 below last night.  A few inches of snow on Thursday. Beautiful sunny skies just like Terrier Lover's...

Where I wish we were:58c300ca81e85_CarmelBeach2.thumb.jpg.1fa44cadedcb630d7b500c85b9a8b60c.jpg

Edited by Kathryn
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