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The bone game

Sam I Am

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Both our dogs get meaty bones in their designated areas (where I can clean up afterwards), however when they are dried out we allow the dogs to take them into the rest of the house. Rosie usually could care less about an old bone, but To Sam it’s still a great treat so he still loves to gnaw at them. This is where it’s get silly....Rosie when it comes right down to it is still the boss lady and Sam respects her big teeth.  So I am sure just to taunt Sam, Rosie licks and chews on both bones.(which she really could care less about at this stage)..Sam who through experience does not try to take one away, but will lie a few feet away sighing deeply, while watching madam covet both treats. It’s all a game and a funny one to watch.😋


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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Rosie reminds me of Buffy.  She used to do the same type of thing with toys while Ziggy hovered in the background waiting for a chance to get one back.

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The more I'm on this forum, the more the things are just native to  Cairn's become clear, things I just had no reason to know or care about till now. One is the way they lay down with the back legs spayed outwards:). So cute. 

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