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Intro to cats


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My skylar is basically the queen of this castle. Shes a sweetheart but has never had to share her space with another animal. My roomate has nowhere else to take her cat because her parents moved and I would hate for her to give him up to a shelter. Skylar is easily excitable and very outspoken. She likes barking and like any cairn chasing. I am just worried about the two animals meeting and more so for her safety. I dont want there to be tension for anyone in the house. Does anyone have any experience or pointers they can share.

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Rosie our Scottish Terrier hates any cat that comes into her yard, and no doubt would do harm, however when away from her own place, she is totally cool around cats. Even to the point in letting them rub against her....go figure. I would take a lot of time and separated areas till they get used to each other..always giving the cat a place to jump up. Having said that I have personally seen a small Maltese lose it’s eye to a cat swipe, so extreme caution I think would be necessary till both of them respect and accept each other.

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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