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So much for the raspberries

Sam I Am

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Weird winter we are having here in our area. We had horrible weather a few weeks ago, snow, wind, cold cold....but for the past few weeks we had very warm weather , well above freezing, leaving sheets of melted snow into skating rinks. Sam is very naughty and going places he knows are not allowed but I don’t have the jet stream of death to squirt at him(garden hose). A very short clip with him in my raspberry patch...pruning. I am sure my garden will never be the same since his arrival...love my Sam:twisted:


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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Oh yes, Cairns with their bottomless stomachs can be browsers.  One of ours goes after tiny innocuous mushrooms that grow in the lawn!  She has done it it for years with no apparent after effects and it keeps her entertained in the summer.

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Careful of those mushrooms, Idaho. One of my last dogs, T Bone, ate a mushroom in the backyard that turned out to be poisonous. We almost lost him.  I was so careful about the plants I had in my garden, but it never occurred to me that a mushroom could prove so harmful.  Actually, I guess we have a lot of them in Minnesota, and they grow right here in town.

We used to have a large raspberry patch, but the rabbits invaded it over the winter and ate the canes to the ground.  We finally gave up and took them out.  Now the rabbits have been eating my strawberry plants when they come up in the spring.  And Oban is searching out rabbit "pellets" in the snow, his current "browsing" favorite...those rabbits are wily, though, and we usually don't see them during the day...

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Hmm.  I have a raspberry patch too.  Buffy always left them alone - other than charging through them to get to a squirrel and breaking the canes.  I'll have to see what Nattie does.

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At the dog park rabbit pellets are the favorite treat...ugh....worming now on a regular schedule.  I just took down the x-pen fence around part of my garden and replaced with a lower garden fence...already Brodie has pulled stuff out between the wires and runs and hides with it...my reading glasses are his favorite thing to steal!

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Pepper's Mom

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