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God Rest Ye Merry Terriers ...


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3 hours ago, bradl said:

:thumbsup:  I'll be humming that for the rest of the day

God rest ye merry terriers

Let nothing get away...

Okay, you go next!  Brad, we need this in a new thread, it could be a lot of fun!

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Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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here is a quick one we put together for Oban while making dinner:

  • God rest ye merry terriers
  • Let nothing get away
  • Not squirrels, bunnies or the burger on the dinner tray
  • Don't wait for Santa to bring presents 
  • Take what ere you may
  • It's all there by the tree to enjoy, to enjoy
  • Take it now while you can, little boy.

Next verse, anyone?

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The UK forum is joining in. One person  started and others keep adding verses. not sure if they are done yet!

God rest ye merry terriers
let nothing get away
Rabbits are to savour
not just on Christmas Day ..........
Save us all from Santa's wrath cos
we pooped in his sleigh ♫
Oh barking with comfort and joy
Comfort oh boy
Oh barking with comfort and joy♫

From the hairy father's ♫
Some crunchy goodies came
and woof to generous shepherds
Brought sausage chicken and game♫
The wondrous gifts all disappeared
but we were not to blame :whistle:
Oh barking with comfort and joy
Comfort oh boy
Oh barking with comfort and joy♫
0 x

Fear not then said the terriers♫
We'll bark and maybe bite!
This day was born a hairy mutt
Gave Mary quite a fright ♫ :shocked:
He'll save us all from trespassers
like Santa on Christmas night.


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I love this!

🎶 ”Oh, barking with comfort and joy,

Comfort, oh, boy!

Oh, barking with comfort and joy.” 🎵


Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Those Brits really are good verse makers. They are still at it. Here's the next (last?) verse just added

When the terriers, heard the news ♫
They danced and howled and dined,
♫ then left their homes, a speeding
They barked, growled & whined
Off they set to Dogenham,
The hairy mutt to find,
Oh barking with comfort and joy
Comfort oh boy

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And here are the final two verses. What an outstanding effort by the Brits!

When they got to Dogenham
The pup had gone astray,♫
but Paul O'Grady found him
Thank Dog he saved the day
Mary knew her paws were full♫
and she began to pray
Oh barking with comfort and joy
Comfort oh boy
Oh barking with comfort and joy♫

A pack of hairy terriers, ♫
all howling into space.
and with true love and exhuberance
Each mutt licked Marys face
With doggy's love, there is no doubt♫
The worlds a better place
Oh barking with comfort and joy
Comfort oh boy
Oh barking with comfort and joy♫

Note: Paul O'Grady is a well known British TV personality who owned a cairn terrier type dog named Olga which starred with him on camera many times.

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