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Wanda McComas

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We are having a hard time training our Cairn to leave us alone while we are eating. I have tried feeding him before, during, and after us. I have tried giving him a bully stick to keep him occupied nothing works. I don’t want to use the crate because then he will see it as a punishment. I’m getting desperate because I don’t want him frustrated because then he soils the floors like he is saying I’ll get you. Please any advise is welcomed. 

Edited by Wanda McComas
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In all the years we have had Cairns we have never been able to stop their hovering around the table when we eat.  Cairns are persistent little critters.  Unfortunately, in our case, we have made the mistake of "sharing" with them--Cairns are also capable of persistent, woeful, sad, but compelling begging and we fell for it.  If we have company we often simply put the dogs in another room and shut the door.
My suggestion is to ignore the dog and to never give in to the urge to hand feed "people food" while dining. 
Further, don't give into the idea that Cairns get "frustrated" feelings or see something as "punishment"--those are human reactions not canine reactions.  Of course you have to "punish" a dog from time to time--it is called discipline and training which are necessary if you are going to live with a Cairn comfortably.  Your dog should know/understand when it is doing something wrong.

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I have always crated our puppies when we eat to avoid a problem.  Since they were already used to,their crate, they were fine taking a nap while we ate.  As they got older, I let them out and they don’t bother us.  Now at 9 yrs. old, Kirby will sit nicely by our chairs but not bother us.  Phinney sits a few feet away and unles DH tries to sneak them a bite.  😡   He’s been harder to train than the Cairns!

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Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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We are no help at all.    We feed all kinds of stuff to our dogs, who sit quietly under the table waiting for items like romaine lettuce  and bits of this and that. They are perfectly sane about it so we never worry.

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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I have never fed my dogs at table. Angus like the previous doggy friends sat around but eventually didn't even do that too much. He learned it was hopeless and that  I was immune to doggy begging eyes.

If I did have a problem I would have done like others said  - crate him or put elsewhere while eating our meal.


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When Carrington turned 10 years old, I decided to break my cardinal rule of not giving him table scraps during my meals. The result was that for the next 7 years of his life I couldn't eat a meal in peace, without his soulful, imploring eyes boring into me!

I've had Ruffy now for 7 years and he just turned 10, but I'm not making that mistake again!!!😄

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I hear all of you and I’m laughing because it’s just not me. I can eat and Mickey just goes away when I say leave it, but with my husband it is like he is determined to share his meal or make him miserable and I am the one that ends up miserable. Thanks for all of the different views I pray I get it resolved. Thanks much

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I can eat in peace but my husband made the mistake of giving tidbits and then letting them lick the plates before he puts in the dishwasher...I have given up on the husband...

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Pepper's Mom

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It’s only a mistake if you decide to do it and then change your mind.

I am one of the ones who always has always fed my dogs at the table , but with rules - no begging, just sit and wait; no jumping up; no bothering other people. If he jumps up more than once or twice, or bugs others at the table I remove him from the situation. If we have guests I usually don’t let him participate.

it works for me. But, once you start,  it is a hard thing to break, but you could try implementing a few “ rules” - There is food in your hand- which should help  to retrain them a bit.

Tewcsby usually sits besides only me and waits.

I think feeding at the table, being on the furniture, sleeping on the bed- these types of things are a bit different for everyone- it’s good to think about it, while they’re puppies- it sure makes it easier.

Edited by Min D
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Wouldn't it be wonderful to have our dogs place while we are eating dinner?  Maisie will sit and stare at us until my DH gives in and gives her a bit of whatever we are eating.  I'll ask him, "are you feeding her" and get a huge "no" or "it's only a tiny little peace", I sure wish I could train him.  If I crate her, we get the dreaded little whimper that almost breaks your heart.....yes, she is quite the little performer and know exactly how to get to dad and mom's heart strings....:crybaby:

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I hear you Linda. Our first Cairn would come up and we would say go to your pillow and he would just go lay in the window until we were done, this little one will drive you crazy but I refuse to feed him people food because that is what lead to the health problems of our older fur baby. He passed 3 years ago and it drives me at everything I do or don’t do for this one. I’ll guess I’ll just have to be patient and pray that the training will kick in as he gets older. Thank you for sharing your story. 

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4 hours ago, Min D said:

It’s only a mistake if you decide to do it and then change your mind.

I am one of the ones who always has always fed my dogs at the table , but with rules - no begging, just sit and wait; no jumping up; no bothering other people. If he jumps up more than once or twice, or bugs others at the table I remove him from the situation. If we have guests I usually don’t let him participate.

it works for me. But, once you start,  it is a hard thing to break, but you could try implementing a few “ rules” - There is food in your hand- which should help  to retrain them a bit.

Tewcsby usually sits besides only me and waits.

I think feeding at the table, being on the furniture, sleeping on the bed- these types of things are a bit different for everyone- it’s good to think about it, while they’re puppies- it sure makes it easier.

We made the choice not to feed him at the table or people food. That is where I’m at a loss, he goes completely crazy when it is time to eat. He will lay patiently on the rug in the kitchen while I’m cooking but once it’s plated up and we start eating it’s like a switch has been thrown. I have tried feeding him before, during and after, nothing works. While I’m loading the fish washer I have to keep an eye on him because he will get into the washer while I’m loading the machine. He does this while my back is turned that has to be where he got the taste from. I’m open for any suggestions and take offense to none. 

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15 hours ago, Pepper Bug's Mom said:

I can eat in peace but my husband made the mistake of giving tidbits and then letting them lick the plates before he puts in the dishwasher...I have given up on the husband...

That is so funny, my husband doesn’t to do but he is not as strong in decipline as I am so there is where most of the problems begin. I want a nice peaceful meal and want to be able to have people over and him not bother them without resorting to crating. 

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19 hours ago, Terrier lover said:

We are no help at all.    We feed all kinds of stuff to our dogs, who sit quietly under the table waiting for items like romaine lettuce  and bits of this and that. They are perfectly sane about it so we never worry.

It would be fine if he would just sit quietly by but he won’t let you forget that he is there. 

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