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It's all about the clothing you wear.

Sam I Am

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It's been bitterly cold here up in the frozen north with winds chills that numb your face. However as the saying goes, a tired Cairn is a good Cairn. I have had horses all my life and they have all had various styles of winter blankets. One that I really loved was a fleece striped stable blanket. When I was in Calgary a few years ago watching the competition at Spruce Meadows (an international horse showing venue), a lot of vendors also had dog blankets. And of course any civilized horse/dog owner must have the latest gear 😋!  I bought the jacket but it never fit anyone until now. Along comes SAM and it fits him great. The dog is mine the horse isn't (unfortunately).



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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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