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Here We Go Again - Heartbroken but need to be Educated -- Been a while.


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I know this sounds crazy but here we go again, I am back and not sure if I am in the right area as it has proven a long time (very long time).

My heart continues to break for my Trinity. However, we are interested in getting as much information as we can on Cairn puppies. Again, what should we look for, what is the standard price, health triggers, how to find reputable breeders, etc.

I know Trinity would want me to be happy and she was never a jealous girl. I think I am ready to give my deep love to another baby in the near future.


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When I was ready to get another Cairn (for me it was 3.5 yrs) being in the area that we live in(Edmonton, Alberta)  the limited Cairn breeders and available pups being born was very scarce. I wanted someone that belonged to the Canadian Kennel Club plus was known in the show ring . Not that I needed a show Cairn, (although I got one. ) the most important things for me was health. Sam's breeder was very diligent in weeding out genetic issues as much as possible, did bile acid tests on all the pups, of course vaccinating, and one had to be interviewed before being able to purchase a pup. She also encouraged me to come and visit the litter and the mum. The dad was in another city but she gave me information on him also. I had to sign a none  breeding contract plus another one saying that I would return the pup to her if it didn't work out. So basically for me the most important thing was a breeder who deeply cared for her dogs and did her best to make sure they were healthy. Price wise I can't compare to the US because of Canandian dollars. 

Take your time, don't be desperate to just get any Cairn. It can land up a heart ache. Of course there are always rescue sites you might want to check out. Again think with your noodle and not your heart...for most of us that's the hardest thing. Contact your local Cairn breeders, ask lots of questions.

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Take your time and use the internet.  Our last puppy and she has been a great little Cairn came as the result of a couple of months of internet searches for a pup.  We were able to locate a breeder who provided plenty of image and video information about her current litter, provided information from previous customers and their experience with her puppies, had some long phone interviews and we able to be pretty sure that when we pulled the trigger that we hit the target. 
Cairns are a bit difficult to locate.  You might want to explore rescue sites as well, in my opinion Cairn rescues are an awfully good way to go if you don't want to have to go thru the frustration of training a pup.  We've rescued a couple of Cairns and both were great additions to our home. 

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Thank you for this great info, Idaho. I appreciate it. My heart is still broken over Trinity; however, I have so much love to give. I noted that it seems difficult to find Cairns in my area (Illinois). I want to be careful. I am also considering Westies this time around, which appear to be slightly more accessible. I know they are within the same family and good pups.

I know when the time is right, we will find our pup/s.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Gina, I sent you a PM.  I'm so sorry about your loss of Trinity but she'll always be there in your heart.  Seems we have lots of room in our hearts for Cairns!

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Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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