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It's a hard knock life

Sam I Am

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Sam is exactly 5 months old today. He is turning into a very good teenage Cairn. He now has the freedom of a Few rooms in the house with the daily excursion to the rest of the house. He hasn't made any boo boos and seems to have figured out that the patio door means, go out and do your business. He is in his xpen for the night as he is still a kid and will pick up anything ...glasses, clothes, handcream tubes.... I won't say it hasn't been a lot of work because puppies just are. He is a typical terrier and somehow becomes hearing impaired when something else more important is at hand than me calling him. He goes wild every evening after supper and Rosie and I just watch in amazement at the energy all this silliness takes. Then deathly quiet because like this pic shows, the kid is fast asleep. 🌛


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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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This post made a gloomy evening brighter. The wind is raging outside,(storms off of the hurricanes)  and it seems I have a virus.

He is a real beauty. Nothing better than a picture of a sleeping Cairn puppy.

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43 minutes ago, Lynn in TN said:

Nothing better than a picture of a sleeping Cairn puppy.

I so agree! Hope you feel better soon and may the recovery from the storms begin. :hug:

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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