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Oban wants that chipmunk


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I've mentioned we have a resident chipmunk, who takes advantage of our reluctance to let Oban off leash in our backyard, which is a lovely perennial garden with a fountain and brick pathways.  For the last few years, Chip has lived around the woodpile and under our screen porch.  This year, DH decided to lift up some of the brick pavers in the pathway where they had appeared to sink over time, probably from hose seepage (we thought). He took up the bricks, laid a little more sand -- and discovered Chip had a regular run under the patio from the screen porch. He was tunneling under the pathways. We could not let him keep his route, and it made him much more visible from the porch and deck.

Oban comes out onto the deck with me, but he is gated and cannot get to the yard.  He has noticed that chipmunk, though, and spends much of his outside time looking for it, and then declaring it his with the typical "cairn screech of death." A neighbor (the neighbor busy-body) has complained, and we try to keep him quiet.  But once fall sets in, he gets free rein in the backyard.  Watch out, Chip.  Oban is coming for you.

Oban waiting for chipmunk 2.jpg

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I bet you could tell Oban that it is time for a treat and he would totally ignore you. The concentration!!!! You are mine Chippy, boy.

Sassy Jan 22, 2005



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