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Leaf drag and drop


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Most every time I take Sassy for a walk she will come in contact with leaves and twigs which she drags around, totally oblivious to them. And of course they get stuck in her leg fur, under her belly, on her face, etc. She even one time had a leaf covering her nose. She walked around with it stuck there like it was just a normal thing. I pulled it off after a minute or so. Sometimes she will shed a stuck leaf only to pick up another one. I have always wanted to get video of this happening but didn't have my cell camera with me, until today. This video is a little over 5 minutes long because I was looking for the next contact. So you can skip ahead as you want (it isn't Gone With The Wind).



Edited by remltr
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Sassy Jan 22, 2005



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Ok laughing so hard right now. If I didn't no better I would swear it was Kelly. She seems to be a leaf and stick magnet too. Lol

Thanks for the great video.

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This is so funny!  And she doesn't seem to care if she is dragging half a tree of leaves behind her. I could use this gal in my back yard in the fall to pick up all the leaves.:P

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

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Oh hell no!  Buffy would never stand for this. A tiny leaf or twig on one of her legs will trigger a Leaf Emergency, whereupon she will stop, sit, whimper and look pathetic until I have removed the offending item from her body.  

On the other hand, she will allow a maple leaf the size of my hand to hang from her snout without acknowledging it at all.

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3 hours ago, remltr said:

 ...you can skip ahead as you want (it isn't Gone With The Wind).

... But a lot more laughs than GWTW!

Clever girl! She was trying to disguise herself in preparation for a sneak attack on squirrels. (Sassy reminded me of a Sherman Tank, camouflaged in leaves a la WW II movies).:lol: 

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Love it when they have stuff stuck to their butts.  So cute.  Yes - Things are a turning and soon we will be harvesting. 


Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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