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Our lucky pups

Sam I Am

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Our  household woke up in the usual routine of waking up a sleepy Cairn pup and a lazy Scottie jumping off the bed, hubby starting the coffee, me feeding  our two furry companions, me opening my lap top to see what was happening in the world. The first post on my FB was from a rescue site one of my friends is a member of notifying its members that a poor starving  German Shepard they had rescued two days ago, lying on the side of the road,  died. The anger and sorrow I felt at the cruelty of people towards animals rocked me to the core. I looked at our two companions lying on their soft pillows, tummies full of good food, and I wept for this poor German Shepard . Did no one ever give him a soft bed to lie in, a loving home, a gentle word? 

I hugged both dogs and whispered in their ears that nothing would ever happen to them because we have made sure that if anything ever happens to us, they will live out their lives in a loving home. 

So my message to all on this site is to make sure there are similar arrangements for your pets, so they don't land up in the same horrible situation that poor German Shepard did.

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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We have done this - made arrangements for our pets should anything happen to us.

The amount of cruelty toward animals in this world is both astounding and depressing.    

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We have done this as well. We have 3 different households that will care for ours in the event something happens to both of us. We wanted more than one, but this world is full of uncertainty. With people losing jobs and such we wanted to make sure we have all bases covered.

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Although there are folks in my life who love both me and Ruffy, none of them are qualified, or in a position to look after him in the event I couldn't.
So 4 or 5 years ago, I contacted Col. Potter Cairn Rescue and registered him to be fostered and then adopted if or when the need arose. I trust the volunteers at Col. Potter, the care they take, and the lengths they go to for protecting cairns. This gives me some peace of mind, but still, I wish I could have found a better solution to guarantee that he would be well looked after and happy.

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I'm lucky to have multiple family members who would take Kirby and Phinney.  Our breeder (who's a friend) would also take them, if needed.  It's sad to think of the animals who have no one to take care of them.

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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