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The Tradition Continues...


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Phinney learned how to jump off the dock float yesterday!  Kirby was a patient coach and waited for Phin to come over and watch, then jumped to show him how it's done.  After a bit of hesitation, Phinney jumped without any prodding from DH.  The boys jumped and swam to shore about five times, a good way to use up some of that energy!  Phinney loves swimming with me and enjoys sitting on a float looking for ducks or fish.  Now we need to teach him how to fish! 

Phinney Learns to Jump


Edited by bradl
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Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Idaho Cairns

Training from one generation to the next!  I like to see that in Cairns, copied behaviors seem to be a valuable part of a pup's "formal" education.

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What a neat video! Brings back such a sweet memory of our last little girl, Gretchen, who was a swimmer/ballplayer and wonderful fishing buddy. We live on a lake and she took to the water instantly, often taking her tennis ball and letting it roll off the seawall into the lake, whereupon she would dive in the water, retrieve the ball, swim to the steps, let it roll off again, rinse and repeat. Over and over again. Boats would pull by and stop to watch her antics. What a fun and fearless four-legger we had in her. Thanks for reminding me. :wub:

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