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4TH of July Fireworks

Malcolm's Dad

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As the Sun went down the fireworks started. Malcolm knows he can bark away any noise like thunder. So there he was barking away the fireworks. After a few hours  the fireworks stopped so Malcolm figured his work was done. It's late at night now and he decided a nap was in order. Hope everyone had a good 4TH.

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This was the LOUDEST year ever in my neighborhood. I think the two-foots were more disturbed than the dogs. Dundee gave a single "woof" at one point but otherwise not a peep from the dogs. Not sure Echo hears much of anything though.

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Yes - Pepper lets those fireworks know that she is boss!!!! No fear here!  Even Teddy the Lab did fine!

Pepper's Mom

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I simply hate the fireworks - because Oban is terrified of the fireworks.  I was sick (virus, I think) on the Fourth, and ended up sleeping on the couch in the living room.  The noise and flashes of light went on til 2 am! And then the thunderstorm started...

Oban and Steve went down to the mancave, and Steve put on a basketball game to calm Oban down. No one here has slept well for several nights now...

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I used to love watching fireworks but since Packy became more and more afraid of them, I grew to dislike them.  This year, even with Packy gone, my past enjoyment of them didn't return.  Kirby and Phinney barked a few times but then settled down and watched them with me.  We can actually watch them from our bed across the lake.

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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We had three straight nights of intense fireworks, the loudest I've heard in a long time, and Maisie was not impressed whatsoever.  She panted, shook, ran back and forth looking for places to hide, etc.  It's very hard to comfort her when they're going off, she can't seem to settle.  However, this year, by the third night, she seemed to tolerate them a lot better.  I'm not sure if she became use to them or what, but my husband and I were grateful.  She had even fallen asleep that night and by the time the finale rolled around, she didn't even stir, she was as quiet as a mouse and appeared to be sleeping through them.  Not sure what happened but I'll take it.  I also wonder if the Comfort chew I gave her helped.  Anyway, I hope everyone had a lovely 4th of July and is enjoying the summer.

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It has been the loudest here, as well. Still hearing fireworks this weekend. They didn't stop last night until about 1am. Kelly loves it. Gives her something to do. Even Prissy joined her in the barking fun a few times. 

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