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Heat wave


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We are having a mini heat wave of temps in the low - mid 90's for a few days. Ruffy likes to lie in the sun on the south-facing terrace winter and summer and has access to come and go from the cool A/C inside through the open door to the oven-like outside, which he did early this afternoon when I was working on my computer in another room. Thinking he was probably inside, I didn't think to check on him for a while and when I did, he was lying out in the full sun! I don't know how long he'd been there, (I felt his fur and to my relief it wasn't hot), but he immediately went to his water bowl in the kitchen for a drink.

I had convinced myself that any dog would not choose a dangerously hot environment when a cool interior was accessible just steps away. (There is some partial shade in one spot, but this is not where he was). I'm thinking now that I was wrong to let him out and won't do it again during high temps.

Any advice would be welcome!


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Be very mindful of over heating in a dog it can be fatal. I know someone who let their miniature poodle out in the heat, he had heat stroke, landed up in emerg and for a few days it was touch and go. http://www.drsfostersmith.com/pic/article.cfm?articleid=1375

I only allow Rosie tops 10 minutes in the blazing heat, then either bring her in or make her lie in the shade. I also hose her down with cold water when I am out gardening in the heat.

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so true, about 2 weeks ago, Keira would not come in or stop chasing the neighbor who was weedeating his  yard. She got so hot, I had to catch her and wrap her in a  wet, cool towel for about 30  minutes. Now i make sure the doggie door is llocked when anyone is out working in their yard!

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Thanks, Terrier Lover and Kieira's Mom... I should have known this, but needed to be told. The irony is that in the 6 years I've lived here, Ruffy was completely disinterested in the terrace... until this past winter. Since then, a daily visit has become part of his routine, so this is the first summer he's done this, and thanks to you, I've nipped it in the bud!:thumbsup:

(Once again, Cairn Talk comes to the rescue)!:)

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i've read that dogs are exceptionally susceptible to heat stroke because panting is the only way they have to cool down. i would also guess that, like humans, dogs who fall asleep in the sun may not realize that they are overheated; wake up dehydrated and confused... ruffy might not always be able to make the best decisions about when to get in out of the heat. 

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I don't think you need to ban Ruffy from the terrace; just keep an eye on him and don't let him stay out in the hot sun too long.  Could you put a bowl of water on the terrace for him?  Or maybe create some shade with a towel/blanket?

Unfortunately even Cairns don't use good sense when it comes to sun exposure.:P



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Pepper does the same thing - laying in full sun with black fur!  But then she seemingly gets too hot and moves into the shade.  She also loves the sunroom - I think they like the outdoors exposure.  Plus all those interesting bugs.

I'd just try to limit the time in the sun and put up something for shade as suggested.  They love it so much!

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Idaho Cairns

We have never monitored our dogs--usually they will take a few minutes laying on the deck during the hottest part of the day and then move into the house or to shade.  I kinda feel like the warmth is therapy for their old bones and they know when enough is enough.  All our Cairns have tended to do this same routine over the years.

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