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Hand Stripping - Did I get a good deal?


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Hi! I called a mobile groomer because Callie's anxiety is out the roof. The groomer hand stripped her undercoat and her fur feels AMAZING. We have never had this done; I didn't request it. Is hand stripping usually an extra cost to a groomer's bill? If so, I feel like I got an AWESOME deal! Also, is it painful when they do it? That's why I never requested it in the past. Thanks!


We move into our new house Saturday. Callie and Finn will have a HUGE backyard and covered patio. Now, I just need to teach her where the potty pads are. (Please don't advise no potty pads. They are an anxiety helper for Callie. Thanks.)

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Could not open your  link. It says page does not exist.

Sounds like your new place will be great for all! Enjoy.



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