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Here he is . Our new Cairn...Sam!

Sam I Am

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Idaho Cairns

I see he has already learned the famous Cairn "Possession Pose"--grandly putting his puppy foot on his territory.  I envy you the coming fun but I do not envy you those long days and weeks of having to wait before you get to hold that little bundle of joy.

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Sam on top of the log with his brothers and sisters looking on. I am amazed at all the different colors in one litter. :D



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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Congrats! Sam is certainly a fine looking little guy. Like you, we are waiting to pick up our (as yet unnamed) little girl. She's got very similar markings and color. The days seem to drag by as we await her coming home. Can't get her until around July 4th.

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Wow what a looker. Sam is beautiful! I love the one paw possession pose. So cute. I am so excited. Congratulations!

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A gorgeous little dog...with an expression that says he will run however much of the world he can...


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Cairn puppies are so cute. Sam is a handsome dog. He will sure keep Rosie busy. Good luck trying to train him but it looks like he will train you.

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Oh, what fun!  Sam has a very handsome black muzzle and ears.  Yep, the waiting is the hardest part!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Ha ha ...yes ! Dr Seuss was in the loop.We went through dozens of names. From A to Z. Some very complicated ones...but in the end Sam just seems a good fit. Especially what will be his registered name, Sam I am. It just so speaks to a Cairns attitude.SAM I AM ...period.  Glad it's summer and we can wear SAM out in the back yard...no doubt ditto for us. :) . Rosie, the dumpling has lost a pound on her reduced food intake, and now is svelte and ready to run!

Edited by Terrier lover
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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Idaho Cairns

Lynn says " Glad it's summer and we can wear SAM out in the back yard"

Cairn pups are good to wear out no matter what the season--when we finally got Bonnie it was in the dead of winter and that didn't slow her down a bit!  I learned a lesson with this one who put on her best Annie Oakley attitude and played "Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better!" with her big sister Sammi.  The heavy snowfall that first week didn't slow her down one bit.  Talk about good memories!


Any thing you can do 1.JPG

any thing you can do 2.JPG

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So excited for you!  I was surprised on my birthday last week with a picture of the new boy I am getting in August!!! I have named him Brodie...

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Pepper's Mom

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Ya, nothing better than a puppy's breath.  He sure is a sweet little guy.  Happy for you both and Sam. :) Lots of stories in the future. 

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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OMG Lynn!  The two of you are going to be best friends forever, I'm sure of it!

Sooooooooooooooooooooo jealous!


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