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The Tradition Continues.,,


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We're gradually introducing Phinney to water.  Today he had his first swim to shore.  He'll wear a life jacket and will be leashed until we're confident of his swimming skills and that he won't swim off (like Packy tried to do multiple times!).  When ducks are around, I'm sure that will be a big distraction.

He hasn't focused in on fish yet.  The water has been very murky with lots of debris floating in.

Kirby jumped in and swam but didn't bother fishing, too much junk floating.  He did pull a few sticks in to help with shoreline clean up.


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Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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What a great life for a Cairn! I am sure Packy is silently encouraging every paw stoke! You go Phinney!

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Idaho Cairns

It's striking to me that Cairns seem to be much more graceful in the water than on land-- those big old front digging feet are used for propulsion and the tail serves as a viable rudder.

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