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The Ping

Dempsy's Mom

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I have 6 step children from 2 different families - about 5 or 6 years ago I was doing something with a one of the dogs and Margi,(second youngest) was with me.  During our time together she made a casual off the cuff comment (or so that's how I filtered it) -  she said, "I wish I was a dog."   PING!

I do remember that during that conversation it really didn't sink in ... but after I was alone those words came back around to me.  I love my dogs unconditionally and obviously I wear that love on my sleeve.  I may scold my dogs but they know I love them and the seconds after a scold we are back loving each other and getting on with life.  Hmmm.  Maybe I a need to work on my love to those uprights creatures.  

When you spend a lot of time in the tractor you think and I remembered this and thought I would share.  Food for thought.  We finished planting last Saturday.  Dempsy is thrilled to have us back.  Most every day since Demps, Elsie and I have been together doing work around the farm.  The other night Demps and Elsie were in the gator and they saw a rabbit.  Elsie jumps off and chases the rabbit.  Demps is watching from the seat of the gator as the rabbit took a hard left and Elsie lost his scent.  I let Demps down and he ran off to show Elsie where the rabbit went.  So cute.  The rabbit was long gone - but they had fun. 

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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When we're up at the farm, I spend a lot of time on the mower, hours and hours mowing at a time.  Like you, it's time to think and my thoughts usually go to family.  I like your thoughts about treating people like dogs, scold them and then get on with enjoying and loving them.  More than one person in my family has said they want to be reincarnated as my dog!

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Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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