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Dear Angus


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 i'm looking forward to you visiting Angus. many dogs deal with variations in pack relationships, and cairns are among the insightful and adaptable of dogs. they have a better chance of understanding a little complexity than some other dogs.  if you leave your car out of sight and have your friend greet you at the door before Angus can run to you, i think he will understand the situation very well. it sounds like things are going perfectly from the point of view of your plan for Angus. i hope that is a great comfort to you, and i am delighted that Angus and you will still be part of each other's lives. 

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I feel happy and sad all at once. Happy because Angus has a wonderful new home and buddies to play with, sad because I know how much you loved having Angus with you.

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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I don't know if this make the emotional parting any easier, but I remember when I adopted my first cairn, I was told that arguably, a characteristic of the breed is that they "transfer their affections very easily".

Who knows if there is any truth to this, but if there is, it may have something to do with our cairns' fiercely independent, self-sufficient personality. They live in the moment, and thanks to you, for Angus that moment includes a hound dog and a mule!:)

Edited by sanford
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My feelings are very much as Terrier Lovers,glad Angus is doing well and sadness for you.Knowyou are happy he is doing well.i have so much respect for you and your unselfishness.

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Idaho Cairns

Hills, I agreed with your decision when you reported it and am glad the new environment is agreeing with Angus and vice versa.
Sanford's suggestion that Cairns seem to adjust to new situations is, in my experience with two Cairn rescues, correct.  Cairns are definitely "go with the flow" type dogs. 
Can't wait until you get to see your boy in person--I'm sure you will be pleased.

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Such wonderful news. You certainly have the best interest of Angus in your heart. Hugs to you for making a loving decision. In due time you will be able to visit with him and receive many snuggles.

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This is great news, Hillscreek.  How cool it must be for Angus to be part of a pack, with lots of playmates!

I have to say this regarding Angus' move:  I don't know if I could have done it.   I suppose it's one of those "walk a  mile in my moccasins" things; you do what you need to do, given your situation.  I admire you for being so selfless and devoted to Angus' well-being.

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Happy for both of you.  I like that your friend refers to him as "dear Angus"  cuz' that's what they are precious and dear to our hearts.  

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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