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Happy Mothers Day!!

Dempsy's Mom

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So .... I am pouting here in South Dakota.  You know when your really happy and then something happens to start your day off wrong.  I am better now, but yes I pouted and cried and felt sorry for myself for about a half hour right away this morning.

Every morning Elsie runs down the steps in front and I carry Dempsy down.  Elsie always waits at the bottom of the steps.  Well, this morning - first step - my feet went flying out from underneath me - I was mid-air and landed smack on my back - I kept ahold of Dempsy and released him safely after I landed.  Little rascal circled around me and scampered down the step to hide.  Elsie, on the other hand, was still watching at the bottom of the steps.  Her eyes were big, "Wow mom, that must of hurt."  I laid there and assessed the pain.  Wrist - ok.  Arm - skinned and bleeding but working.  Back - Ouch!  Moving.  Moving more.  Ok - I didn't crack anything.  Your ok.  Just your spirit is broke.  I limped to the door to let Els out, but she wouldn't leave my side.  I ended up lying out in the grass thinking if I stayed with her she would go pee, but she laid beside me.  So sweet.  "Elsie, go pee."  Nope.  So I crawled to my feet and walked with her.  Then she decided everything must be ok and she finally peed.  Went back in the house - Dempsy is in his crate - laid on the couch for a half hour - Elsie on top of me.  Pouted.  And now I am back on track.  Beautiful day!  Going to plant my flowers today.    Elsie and Demps will get to spend the day outside with me.  It really makes me chuckle remembering Elsie's face. She had the most horrified look on her face - it must of been quite the sight. :)  HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Dear Lori,

 So sorry to read this! I know that farm life can have its hazards... but walking down the steps!?!:o Considering the kind of tumble you took, one can only be grateful that it wasn't worse, (although you might feel some more pain tomorrow).

Elsie deserves a Mother's Day treat for her concern - and for that matter, Dempsy does as well - I'm sure he shares her concern, but perhaps he had his own troubles at the time.:wub:

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that is what resilience is. and elsie again shows her stuff. and dempsy showed something flying through all that fairly non-plussed. happy family day to all of you!

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Yikes Lori...you almost bought the farm there! Glad the farm manager and his nurse are there to keep an eye on you.:wub:

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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That was a big OUCH. Thank goodness you held on to Demps and of course we all know what a great nurse Elsie is! Hope all better tomorrow.

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Ouch! What a way to start Mother's Day. Good nothing was broken but you were roughed up a bit. Poor Dempsy got scared. Elsie was her amazing little nurse as usual. I bet she had a look on her face. Hope there are no permanent injuries from this.

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Don't touch and we are ok.

 Dempsy was a little hesitant about letting me gather him in my arms this morning. :mellow:  He says, "Are you sure you got this? Because I can always walk."  He let out a small breathe when we got to the last step.  He is so sweet.  Elsie watched  but seemed to know that the chances of this happening twice in a row were slim ...  although just to be sure she watched with a much happier face.  

Flowers are in and we all had a nice day.  Although I did come in for a nap. 

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Yikes!  You took quite a tumble, Lori.  I'm glad to hear all is well today.

Know exactly what you mean about incidents like this.  Your spirit gets bruised and you need a good cry to heal it. :hug:

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I don't want to complain but it was a day that required a lot of effort - everything fought me yesterday - went barefoot in the dandelions and stepped on a bee.  Dang little thing stung - pulled his little stinger out - and last night the bottom of my foot itched liked crazy.  Then I got to wondering about Demps and Els and how they get along with these little devils - they were just thick.

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Jock used to hunt bees and wasp in the garden. It always terrified me but he was so lightening fast, a quick snap and shake...end of bee. He was only stung once (as far as I know) when walking him through a green area. He suddenly started growling and biting at his chest...a wasp was stinging him. We pulled it off and he seemed to just carry on without any thought or reaction. He was such a tough little guy:wub:

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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3 hours ago, Dempsy's Mom said:

Dang little thing stung - pulled his little stinger out - and last night the bottom of my foot itched liked crazy.  

I discovered I had become allergic to bee stings a few years ago.  Accidentally stepped on the entrance to a yellow jacket nest in the ground and they swarmed me, stinging me multiple times on my leg and knee.  Made me dizzy, knee swelled up and later itched like crazy.   I now carry an Epi-Pen.  

Anyway, 2 things I learned:  1)  Benadryl helps a lot with the itching, and 2) You're never too old to develop new allergies.

Take care, Lori!

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A bee sting and a tumble down the steps for Mother's Day! I wonder what you'll get for your birthday, Lori?:o

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Oh geez what a start to the week. Hope things go better. This is planting time so you need to be in good shape. Hugs to you,  Dempsy, Elsie, and Kitty.

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What a day Lori!!  Glad you are on the mend.

I love that you have dandelions though, even though that pesky bee got ya.  We keep bees and love wildflowers and flowering weeds so much.  They make for yummy honey!

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I was wondering about allergies .... being swarmed by yellow jackets - horrible.  No thank you one little bee sting is plenty.

Made me laugh Sanford.  I can hardly wait to see what fate has lined up for a birthday celebration.  Bet it's a doozy. 

Did 300 acres of beans yesterday and the darn machine kept plugging.  Lots of twisting on my back and I could feel it last night but this morning feel fine.  We are really dry here - there is rain ... right over there, I can see it ... but we live on a ridge and can't catch a rain. Chances of rain all week.  hope. 


Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Will try to send our rain clouds your way Lori.!  I am frustrated because I can't plant....we have a new raised garden bed my DH and brother build and it's huge. And has no dirt in it. The company I have bought the soil from says its to wet to deliver. So there you go...to wet to dry, but of course for a farmer it's a lot more serious. 

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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