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Dempsy the Student

Dempsy's Mom

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I was out in the garden about a week ago dinking  around.  Dempsy was sitting over by the shelter belt.  He sat there for a very long time.  I talked to him, but he ignored me.  I started up the gator thinking he would run over - he didn't.  I asked him, "What are you doing my little man?"  He continued to sit.  Then I got to wondering if he was hurting.  I watched him .... soon a bunny came hopping by and Dempsy took off like lightening.  So I figure Demps has been watching Kitty and thought her way of hunting is much wiser - so Dempsy is saving his energy and is taking up stalking. 

I have a gate on the steps that has worked great.  Just a simple little gate that has kept Dempsy from taking the steps.  Elsie is a wise little pup.  She has mastered moving the gate this week and has taught Dempsy how.  Grrrrr.  Dempsy is quite proud of himself that that dumb ole' gate isn't stopping him any more.  He can go upstairs anytime he wants to and he does because I haven't had time to remedy the situation.  So evidently Dempsy loves to observe and learn new things.  

Dempsy has been taking Gabapentin twice a day and it seems to be enough right now to help with his pain.  He still limps and has quivers in his back leg, but seems to be good for now.  It hasn't slowed him down any.  That wart by his eye - they did nothing with - the vet thought is was a normal growth due to the aging process and she didn't advise to have it removed or biopsied.  

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Just because he is a bit creaky ( I sympathize right along with him) doesn't mean he can't be the farm manager still and learn a few new tricks. Elsie is such a smart gal. They are both :wub:so adorable. 

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

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So smart, so able to figure things out. So able to learn from others. That's why we love 'em. Elsie and Kitty are helping out Dempsey  and he is smart enough to learn. Glad the meds are helping with the pain.

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Ha, our boys stalk each other, birds, bugs, ducks, whatever catches their attention.  Dempsey was focused!  Glad to hear the meds seem to be helping.  We've got a gate at the porch, too, one of those old-fashioned wooden stretched out ones that hooks closed.  Fortunately for us, the boys haven't learned how to unhook it yet.  

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Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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11 hours ago, Dempsy's Mom said:

Dempsy has been taking Gabapentin twice a day and it seems to be enough right now to help with his pain... That wart by his eye - they did nothing with - the vet thought is was a normal growth due to the aging process and she didn't advise to have it removed or biopsied.  

I took Gabapentin for a while, but discontinued it when high doses made me very sleepy. Of course dogs are different and ideally the benefits for Dempsy should outweigh this side effect. I'm mentioning this not to alarm you, but only so that you might monitor him and not wonder if he shows signs of drowsiness.

Like Dempsy, Ruffy also developed a "wart'" above his eye, (although his vet made the distinction of pointing out that this benign growth was not a wart, which is viral... It is a benign tumor). She also advised against removing it, but to watch it in case it grows or bleeds. She did not want to subject Ruffy to anesthesia for the removal of this single, small growth and said we could make that decision in the future, should more of these growths appear and then decide to remove them all at once. 

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That sounds like Rylee he thinks that he was meant to flush birds and not a ratter. Thanks a lot Rylee I still have rats and you have free range of the yard.

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Thank you Sanford.  Yes, Demps is sleepier, but he still has plenty of energy.  

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Dempsey is a smart Cairn and it obvious they continue learning whatever their age!!

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Good that the  medicine is helping him. The Farm Manager has to keep going. Once that prey drive kicks in the pain is ignored. Learning from Kitty lol. I've said before Cairns are part cat.

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It really is helping.  He sure has energy these last couple days and happy as a lark. 

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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