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The blue collar of shame

Sam I Am

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Rosie has scratched her face and has caused some sores which now drive her crazy, so she scratches more. I have avet appointment next week to hopefully get some topical cream but in the mean time she is now the wearer of the collar of shame. Not the plastic one, but a bright blue blow up collar. Amazingly enough she isn't going nuts, but just looks pathetic enough that I have to pick her up to go on the sofa. Although I am pretty sure if a C A T came into to the yard the cone of shame would be totally forgotten. Hopefully she can't reach her face with her back legs! 

Also the snow has mostly melted....but we are supposed to have a few more flurries.....ggggggrrrr


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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Awe poor Rosie. It is amazing how pitiful they can act when wearing those things, and how quickly they can all the sudden do anything in them when a critter is around.

At least she will jump on the couch. Kelly won't, if we are on it. She begs us to put her on it. She will bug us until we lift her up. If we are not on the couch then she jumps up no problem. Eric and I have decided it's a respect thing, thats our story and we are sticking with it. :P

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