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Kelly Has A New Toy

Lynn in TN

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Kelly has a new toy, or thats what she thinks anyway. haha

My son got a baby bunny, and Kelly wants to play with it so bad. haha  I thought there would be Cairn shrills of death, growling, barking. None of that happened, She has acted much like she does when she gets a new toy. Very interested, and excited.  After I turned the camera off, the bunny came up to her and they sniffed each other and their noses touched. It was the cutest thing. Prissy had no interest in it at all. 


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Amazing. Angus would destroy the cage and eat the bunny I'm sure! He spends a lot of time chasing bunnies in the fields and hedgerows - especially in the spring.

Edited by Hillscreek
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Hillscreek Kelly does the same thing when outside. She is really a smart girl though. She knows there is a difference. She saw us hold the bunny, and pet the bunny. I looked at her and told her it is mine and she better not hurt the bunny. Thats what I would tell her when I scolded her for chewing up stuff when she was a puppy. She grew up hearing it. I told her the same thing about the stray cat that has made our front porch its home, and she has yet to hurt it in any way, but you let another cat come anywhere near our home and she would tear it limb from limb. It's amazing. I bet Angus would do better than you think he would.

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