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 Does anyone else use a harness ? I bought a harness,  put it on Otis today. Not trying to plug harness,  but I bought step in one.  He doesn't pull,  and if he lays down I can just nudge him gently to get up.  Thanks ??

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Like many folks here, I've used both. The consensus seems to be that with a stubborn pup or adult dog, a collar can sometimes be hard on the throat, in some cases to the point that some dogs have even damaged their larynxes. Although a harness won't be a problem in this regard, the fact is that many dogs can pull even harder with a harness by using their strong shoulder muscles. Nevertheless, IMHO, the harness does give you more/better control.

My mood and where we are heading on our walk determines how much control I think I might need, so I choose accordingly. 

It's not uncommon for dogs to occasionally slip out of collars. (Ruffy has). Harnesses less so. (Ruffy hasn't).

P.S. With that camo-pattern vest, Chewy(?), Otis(?) will look like he's ready to take on the world, while protecting you as well!:thumbsup:

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We used a harness on Jock and it worked out well. I by far prefer a harness especially Rosie's Julius K9 one. One of our neighbours after seeing ours ordered one and they also  are very pleased with the product.


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We have 2 or 3 different harnesses we use with Titan, whether on a walk or riding in the car. He figured out early on that he could twist just the right way and pull out of his collar and leash. We slip his seatbelt through the harness when we're motoring about. We never travel without his seatbelt attached to his harness.

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 I have the small little black strap that goes into the seatbelt and attaches to his harness I absolutely love it ! He is in the backseat on his mat,  very safe and secure, I've never had a problem with his harness coming off . I have used the harness since the second day I've gotten him,  he hated his collar, and I don't blame him

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