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he doesn't know Oban lives here


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Found by Steve while raking the garden. A dangerous beginning for such a little animal. I will keep Oban out of the back yard tonight...


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Good idea....no self respecting Cairn could leave that sweet bunny alone.:ermm: 

Is that a baby?

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Yes, totally agree with keeping in out of the yard.  We have a number of bunnies in our area and back yard and Maisie goes balistic whenever one is out there.  Luckily they are much too quick for her....:D

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Yes, a baby. And Oban is rough on bunnies - he kiilled his first bunny when he was only 4 months old. A quick shake and he dropped it - he seemed confused by his own action it happened so fast.

Not that fond of wild rabbits who eat my garden but I guess I want them to have a running chance...

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I love that when the little bunnies have that little dash of white on the top of their bean.  Cute little guy. :)

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Wild Mr. Max whom we adopted from Potomac Cairn Terrier rescue, 01/25/2017, had quite an adjustment living with our indoor bunny.  She's teeny weeny (Dutch dwarf), bold as hell, and looks almost exactly like the stuffed toy that came home with him..gray fur and a white belly.  Oh, before we adopted her, the previous owner called her, "Kitten".  (Do you get that?  We don't.) Max enjoys humping his grey bunny toy every day (yep, he was snipped a log time ago.)

These Cairns amaze me year in and year out when it comes to knowing who is family and who is prey.  Kitten is a family member...to be sniffed and not much else. Cairns are My Favorite Children.  (But please don't tell Kitten, the Kitty Cat (Simba), or the Gerbils, OK?)


Edited by tlwtheq
Omission, corrected.
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Max and Nelly

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