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growths on skin


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Has any one had experience with epitheliomas or sebaceous adenomas?

During his senior years, Carrington would occasionally develop some of these which the vet removed. I was always reassured to know that they were harmless and easily removed, (except for the fact that the vet would always shave the area around the growth, leaving round, odd-looking bald spots - but as they always say: hair does grow back)!

Ruffy has now developed one of those growths. The vet said it is benign and I don't have to remove it unless it changes size or interferes with grooming him. It is located on his forehead, between his (shaggy) eyebrow and his ear, well concealed by his hair and shaving him there down to his skin would frankly look quite peculiar. I haven't ruled it out, but I'm going to wait a bit.

I read online that treatment with Thuja, (yes --it comes from the familiar landscaping shrub known as arborvitae) can sometimes effectively shrink or remove the growths.

I'm going to check with my local holistic pet supply and see what they say, but in the meantime, I thought I would ask about it here.

Any thoughts would be appreciated!:)


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Mmm...for what I am reading it seems there is nothing to be concerned about. But I get that lumps are things we uprights fear...even the benign ones. I did a quick google and you can have a look at some of these suggestions. I would be careful using Castor oil as it is toxic.https://pethelpful.com/dogs/Home-Remedies-for-Dog-Sebaceous-Cysts


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I stopped by and your post caught my eye. My little senior pup has a growth almost near where you stated Ruffy's growth is located. She is 13 1/2 and has had this for a while. I did not call the vet's attention to it but she was thoroughly examined and actually had hair tied in that area for feeding tube placement when she was so sick in December. My assumptions are that it is benign. It is growing larger and concerns me; therefore, I plan to call it out to the Vet when I visit him. It is movable with the skin and does not seem to be attached but it is large. Her hair covers it as it is in a "shaggy" area.

Please keep us posted. Hugs. Gina

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