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Obreedience Audition Day for Crufts 2015 - Jess Clark / The Kennel Club ©
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The purpose of Obreedience is to encourage more breeds to 'have a go' at some of the tests associated with competitive obedience but in a less formal competitive environment.

Obreedience is a team event and showcases the talents of each breed through a series of fun exercises and it is perfect for all ages and abilities.

It mixes the best aspects of obedience with the camaraderie found amongst breed enthusiasts, each Obreedience team must comprise of four handlers and four dogs of the same breed who take part in two rounds of competition including a round of heelwork performed together as a group and then four set exercises including a retrieve, a 'send to bed', commanding the dog to stop, and a scent exercise.







Teams compete all over the UK and the finalists compete at Crufts, (huge dog show in UK like Westminster here).

One of the UK forum members is part of a team that competed in heats over the last few months and finally got to Crufts.


Here's a couple of videos posted by one of the competing cairn team members

Overall we came 4th out of the 10 teams. The German Shepherrds were 1st, Jack Russells 2nd and the Minature Longhaired Daschshunds 3rd.

For those not on face book here are 2 videos that Barry took. I think there are more of the "Class of 2017" already on YouTube if you want to see some of the competition we had.





Edited by bradl
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?I watched the 2 youtube (non-Facebook)  videos and they had me in stitches! The little brindle takes first prize for "pants eating"... With true cairn determination,  it just wouldn't let go of the pants leg! Second prize to the cairn who went to his bed with such enthusiasm that he skidded right across and fell off the other side!?

Leave it to a cairn to brighten everyone's day!?

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Thanks for embedding the videos Brad.

You can see Dottie the cairn working on the pant leg right away and all the time - heh heh.The one one that jumped on the bed so enthusiastically is Isla who belongs to a UK forum member. The team cairns beat out retrievers , collies and other 'good' obedience teams to get to the finals.

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