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Dempsy's Big Find

Dempsy's Mom

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Oh Boy!  This morning Dempsy came up with a big piece of dried up afterbirth.  He was so excited.  He shared a little with Elsie.  I think it was to keep her distracted while he sneaked the majority of his find over behind the air conditioner and buried it in the leaves.  "There.  That should be safe." as he glanced over his shoulder to make sure Elsie was still occupied with her treat.  He is so sneaky.  .... or so he thinks. 

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Well me too, but I once did come across the guts of a deer which hunters had field dressed. Luckily not with Angus who I'm sure would have been in heaven:o

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Yuck. Malcolm won't find anything like that in Chicago thank goodness. Dogs have such a taste for yucky things like goose droppings. I have to keep him away from those when we go to the park.

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12 hours ago, Dempsy's Mom said:

Dempsy says, "You guys just don't know what good stuff is!  It's kinda like a female bully stick." :P 

Just remember that bully sticks ruined Sassy's lower front teeth, they had to be removed. But I would give her a real bully stick again to keep her from the female bully stick. Yuck!! :sick:

Sassy Jan 22, 2005



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EEK, that would have freaked me right out..:o  Glad that Demps enjoyed it though and it's so nice that he cared enough about his sister to give her a little piece....:hug:

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Yikes...just read in some cultures eating a placenta is considered healthy! It seems Demps is health conscious.:cry:

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

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When we were breeding our retrievers the bitches always ate the placenta. They were very anxious to do so. It contains nourishment and it is a natural way to clean up after the pups are born. It is said to stimulate milk production though I am not convinced as I think the puppies' suckling does that.

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Cows eat their afterbirth too.  If their in the barn we take it out of the pens so they don't choke on it, but in the pasture you see them eating it without a  problem.  Love you guys comments. :)  Animal delicacies .... go figure.  So far Dempsy hasn't revisited his stash.

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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When my last grandchildren were born (2014) both daughters-in-law had their placenta dried and pulverized and put into capsules that they took daily as long as they lasted! Apparently there is more than one service of this kind in our little city - who knew? They say it is beneficial for milk production, hair and skin, and helps prevent post partum depression. 

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Come to think of it, on a few occaisions, when dogs have thrown up in the dog run, they would scarf down the partially digested mess before the owners could stop them, much to the disgusted horror of the uprights who witnessed the scene!?

"Delicacies" indeed, Dempsy's Mom!...Goose droppings, deer guts, etc., (not to mention field mouse tartare). Thanks folks, for reminding me that my Ruffy is a dog after all, and not the small, furry human person I tend to think of him as!?

Edited by sanford
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