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Sassy Snowballs


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Pepper went to the snowy dog park up here in Bellingham and for the FIRST time came home with snowballs on her feet - into the sink she went to get a nice warm rinse....I couldn't get them off any other way!!!  She loves the snow and can follow verbal and hand signals to find the ball in the snow - she is so amazing!!!

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Pepper's Mom

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Zeus stopped a few times on the walk this morning and took his snowballs off.  When we got home I took three golf ball sized snowballs off Loki and managed to keep all my fingers. 

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Who rescued whom?

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Sounds like Sassy had a great time.  By the way, is that Sassy's truck in the picture?  Bet she could haul a lot of boy Cairns home in that.:P

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Sassy you keep that snow where you are! We just finally got a break from the fluffy stuff. 

Addie loves the snow. Sticks her head down into it and runs her way through. And ice, I've discovered; she loved rolling around on her head on the solid block of ice we had in the grass for about a month. 

She's not a fan of the snowballs though and has discovered a way of fighting them: when they accumulate above her snow boots she darts inside one of the apartment building's side doors and walks down the carpeted hallway until they melt and then she races back outside through another door. 

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"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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