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Charlay and Molly


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Charlay had a sleep over with his good friend Molly.  He grunts and growls as he play bites her legs.  She just ignores him like he isn't there.  Charlay loves to wait till Molly finds a toy to play with and then steals it from her.  She's much slower than him so it's fun to watch  Charlay actually taunt her by letting her get close and then dart away.

2017-01-29 12.24.23.jpg

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On 1/30/2017 at 9:39 AM, hheldorfer said:

Any dog who puts up with Cairn taunting is destined for sainthood.:P

Molly is such a sweetheart.  We love having her over.  She doesn't have a care in the world other than destroying Charlay's toys if she can get to them before he does.  Once she gets the toy  in her mouth, nothing is opening those jaws unless she lets go herself.  Hahaha.

24 minutes ago, Dempsy's Mom said:

:D The odd couple.  Love them both. 


It's pretty funny how they get along.

Here she is claiming Charlay's squirrel as hers.  At some point she'll look away and Charlay will grab it back.

2017-02-01 13.16.19.jpg

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Such an adorable pair.  Maisie use to do exactly the same thing with our Shepherd Tess, although once Tess grew a little older she wasn't quite as tolerant as Charlay.....:o

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