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Dempsy's Mom

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Good stuff Lori! Unfortunately not many people would welcome strangers into their home. And with a dog! Demps and Elsie no doubt thought this was great fun. May 2017 bring you good crops, healthy calves, and not to many strays ......cause I know they won't be strays for long.:D

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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They said when the adopted their dog her name was Kitten. ? So they thought ok - Mitten will work and it's not a real adjustment. :) thought that was cute. 

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Lori, that was the most heartwarming "It was a dark and stormy night" story Ive heard in ages!?

If we knew your address, Ruffy and I would be sure drive by and "arrange" for car trouble at the foot of your driveway!?

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Mmmm...good idea Sanford! This is our chance for a Cairn Forum reunion.:P get that coffee pot going Lori....also kind of like home made cinnamon buns!

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Hmmmm . . . there's an idea.  What are the chances we'd *all* be driving through South Dakota and *all* our cars would end up at Lori's place?  :D

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2 hours ago, Dempsy's Mom said:

They said when the adopted their dog her name was Kitten. ? So they thought ok - Mitten will work and it's not a real adjustment. :) thought that was cute. 

Funny.  The rescue bunny we adopted this past year came with the name "Kitten".  We didn't rename her.  It still feels weird calling a bunny "Kitten".

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Max and Nelly

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As an ex-Michigander...how do you know your friend is from Michigan? When they hold up their hand, in a shape of a mitten, and point to where they are from....,?

Me, that would be pinky side near base of the hand....west side is the best side....✋

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I've mentioned before there is sign down the road from your house. It says turn left at the third house, the lady there will take care you. Before it was animals that were taken care of. This time it was humans. You are such a loving person.

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God has given you a wonderful caring spirit and trust. Oh that spirit existed in more of us humans. Wonderful story and should be repeated and remembered by all of us who were touched by your kindness. 

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