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Greysen- Dec 2006 - Dec 2016


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We said goodbye today to my  good dog. 


Edited by eastofeden
Raise your expectations for what your Cairn can do....and try very hard to meet your Cairn's expectations of you.
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Oh no! I was hoping that 2016 was done taking loved ones away from us. I am so sorry. What lovely pictures.

Edited by Terrier lover

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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What a fine, fine dog Greysen was and what a fine, fine life he lived. So sorry he had to leave you but so glad you had each other all those years.

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short message says it all. i am so sorry to hear of this, we know how you feel. what a beautiful and lovable little boy. we know how you feel. 

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Thank you for sharing that beautiful tribute to your lovely Greysen. I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope the memories of the times you had together are a comfort. 

"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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Oh I am so sorry - it looks like Greysen had a full and happy life and a fun family too!!  Thank you for sharing the pictures of him and all his accomplishments...I especially liked the coursing pictures - these Cairns can really fly!!! Pepper and I are thinking of you and Greysen was lucky to have you in his life....

Pepper's Mom

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This is to sad. Only 10 years old. A wonderful tribute. I especially like the picture of him running. The spring loaded Cairn, it cracks me up every time I see Sassy do it.

Sorry for your loss.

Sassy and Dave


Sassy Jan 22, 2005



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Something about these little dogs, they are so very hard to say bye to, and they seem to carve a deep spot in your heart.....sure looks like you made lots of fun memories together.....thinking about you, I know it's not easy.

Edited by Min D
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What a lovely dog - and such wonderful photos of him in such cairn-y activities. Looks like he lived each day fully. So easy to love them - so hard to lose them. Oban and I send our heartfelt sympathies.

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Oh dear, so sad  for the loss of your sweet baby.  Keira and I are thinking of you. The picture of his return to you and stood between your legs is priceless. Just remember how much love you gave him and that he returned back to you, He will be forever in your heart and memory.


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I remember when Greyson was just a young squirt in Obedience class, he was always one of my favorites. All dogs should live as well as he did. I'm very sorry for your loss.


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So very sorry for your loss.  Thank you for sharing Greyson with all of us, he had so many accomplishments and he was so adorable.  I hope the wonderful memories you shared with Greyson comfort you in the days ahead.

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