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Early Winter Follies

Idaho Cairns

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I always wonder when our terriers chase something big, what do they think they will do,when they"catch" them.:P

Edited by Terrier lover
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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Oban did that on a retractable leash on a beach in California last winter when I wasn't expecting it. When he hit the end of the leash, he caused a shoulder injury that took three months of physical therapy...

I don't usually use a retractable leash. He was on it so he could wade into the ocean without getting me wet! I didn't realize the deer were on the beach behind us...

What DO they think they will do if they catch up with those deer?  Delusions of grandeur...

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1 hour ago, Kathryn said:

 When he hit the end of the leash, he caused a shoulder injury that took three months of physical therapy...

Wow! I wasn't aware of this issue, (although I should have been)! I'll  be sure to be more alert and careful. I use a retractable leash in order to give  Ruffy more running room in the park and I'm pretty good at applying the brakes slowly without slamming him to a dead stop, but now I'll be sure to be even more careful.

PS. The topic of retractable leashes has come up here before and their use is somewhat controversial for varying reasons.


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We have always used retractable leashes with our Cairns without  a problem and like them for their "control" qualities--we can rein in our girls when necessary, keeping them close, or let them range when convenient and safe.  I have found that our dogs are quite aware when they are restrained and when not so we don't see those "hard charges" when they are leashed--the dogs know their limits on the leash.
However, if softer control is necessary there are some really fine expandable leashes available that are elastic and stretch enough to give the dog a cushion when they reach the maximum limits.  They won't give the kind of control you might need in a close encounter but for most situations are quite good.

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