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Sudden change round here!


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Not even same week. It was same day! Yesterday 65F sunny and warm at noon. Great walk. Happy Angus. Happy me. By 6pm wind rising, snow falling, temp falling - by this morning temp below freezing and four inches of snow. Happy, happy Angus. Not so happy me, scrambling for snow boots, warm jacket, gloves - where are they? - haven't worn them for months. Need my hat too and the snow shovel. Our wonderful Fall weather has ended and winter is coming our way. 

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Same here!  Last week I was wearing a light jacket to walk the dogs in the morning.  Today I wore my long puffy coat, two scarves, and gloves topped with mittens!

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I'm in the same area as hheldorfer. Last Friday was in the sixties. Sat. and Sun. in the 30's. Wearing a jacket one day and down coat the next. At least no snow.

Edited by Malcolm's Dad
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Here in Edmonton it just starts to get colder and colder.:cry:

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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I thought that Demps and Els would run out in delight last week when we had our first snow, but that didn't happen.  I had my camera ready for a fun video - but they just stood on the edge of the dry sidewalk and looked - unimpressed.  Eventually Elsie did make a snow doggy.  Dempsy went back in and laid on the couch.   

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Oban and I love snow as we watch it out the window while on the couch.  And I am writing from there now, with Oban on my lap, as we watch the sleet turning to snow...even walking will be a problem by dinner time.  Oban will have the option of a quick trip to the back yard...

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We are feeding the deer this week--getting rid of the bird feed that the birds rejected but the deer seem to love.  Just moments ago, Bonnie was shivering at the slider door while a big four point was at the feeder fifteen feet away!  We had to chase the big boy away in order to get Sammi in--she was hanging out down the line--she's not quite as daring as Bonnie.

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Same here weather wise but only a dusting of snow, thankfully.   Maisie seems to love the cold, it actually invigorates her.  When she's been out in the cold for a little while she comes back in the house like a steam roller, running zoomie like every where around the house.  If only the cold would give me the energy it seems to give her....:o

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We see some of the craziest weather in TN as well. I have seen days that start with sleet, by mid day temps as high as 78 degrees, then by night snow. You never know how to dress here. We have relatives that live in Florida, When they come to visit they bring a little of everything, and laugh because people that live in our area almost never pack light when we go any where. The reason being, we are so use to crazy weather, we expect it where ever we go. :P 

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It was 80 degrees one day last week. The very next day we had a blizzard and freezing temps and the snow was over ankles. My joints and ears don't like the sudden pressure changes! Addie however LOVES snow. She rolls around and makes snow Addies and sticks her nose in it and then sticks her head down and turns into a snow plow. We spent hours outside, with short breaks inside for melting snowy feet. 

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"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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