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Wow! Kirby is drop-dead gorgeous! (I took a second look at the photo and laughed out loud at the pile of hair next to him on the table)!?

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Kirby you handsome devil! He almost looks white....Lola..he almost looks Westie like. Phin  I can hardly wait till I get a lovely  pup like you.?

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Oh wow! Kirby does look like a brand new dog! I'm partial to the partial yak look but I bet getting a full professional groom like that was a good way for Kirby to shed some of the troubles of the last year and emerge a beautiful butterfly. He looks ready to take on the world with his little brother by his side. 

And Phin! You are ADORABLE. Once again, this forum is trying to kill me with puppy cuteness. Hope you continue to kick butt in the show ring, and by that I mean I hope you and your family have lots of fun. 

"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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Yeah, Kirby has always been cream but now that he's stripped down to his underwear, he's really going to be mistaken for a Westie until his outer coat starts growing back in.  I'd like the groomer to work more on his legs to get that hair a bit coarser.  I've always been bad about stripping legs and it grows so long on his.  I'm hoping some leg stripping will help with the snowballs he gets in the winter.

As for Phinney, we'll see how it goes for showing.  His left testicle is playing hide and seek right now and apparently if you're a dog, you need two testicles to show!  We've been advised not to let him go up and down stairs for a while, to see if that helps.  Then they got technical on me and I couldn't explain why that might help.  I can't believe I'm discussing dog testicles, but I guess it's no different than when we talk dog poop!

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Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Wow - Kirby is the one who looks like a show dog! If he is at all like Oban, he came home knowing he was gorgeous and strutting his stuff (Oban does whenever he gets back from the groomer...).

Looks like everyone is settling in at your house...terrific.

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I just looked at the pics again. Kirby looks so smart  - his face is so cute with that little smile. As for Phin what a handsome young pup he is.

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Kirby you look so good after the groomers that Mom decided to take me to the groomers too. I am not sure what to think about it though I must say I can see better now. I might be able to get used to this. -Molly Mae

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Kirby has a look that says, 'Hey! Look at me!!' :D  Both he and Phinn are gorgeous! As far as mistaking Kirby for a Westie, well, last week I confused a Westie for a Cairn - he was so wonderfully yak-like, I thought for sure he was a Cairn.

And it's always a great time to watch 'Best in Show'. Funniest movie ever. I have a copy both in USA and UK formats, so I will never be without. :D


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Wow, Kirby does look like a Westie in the photograph, he is gorgeous and has a beautiful coat.    I so wish I had found somebody to strip Maisie but had to go with a regular cut for her.  Not many groomers, at least around my way, do stripping.

Phin is just the cutest little thing, looking at him makes me long for another puppy....yes, Maisie needs a little brother...:P

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What an adorable pair. I can never make up my mind which is cuter. The older more distinguished Cairn, or the young adorable whippersnappers? lol

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