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Dempsy's Mom

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Dempsy spent his day in the combine with Elsie and I.  We had all sorts of interesting conversations.  I told Dempsy that this was his 7th Gotcha Day.  "7 years?", Demps responded.  and he was quiet ... pretty soon he asked "When am I gonna get that 7 year itch?"  "7 year itch?", I responded.  "Ya, I heard one of you humans talk about the 7 year itch.  It sounds horrible.  When am I gonna itch and how long will it last?"  I laughed, "No Demps.  You won't get itchy and besides if you were to itch it would of been last year cuz' you are really 8 years old, but we celebrate Gotcha Day instead of birthdays."  "Whew.  So there is no itch?", Dempsy asked.  "No Demps.  There is no itch that you have to worry about, but I will give you lots of scratches anyway. Ok?"  "That would be good mom. I love scratches, but not itches."  and we laughed.  

The imagination is a wonderful thing. 

Edited by Dempsy's Mom
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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Demps I think you are just the most amazing Farm Manager ever! It's very obvious how much your mum loves you....you aren't mine, but I kinda feel the same about you.:wub: have a wonderful Gottch day!!

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Happy gotcha day to a very smart and handsome farm manager.  You have a great life, Dempsy.  Aren't you lucky that you have such a great mum?


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Happy Gotcha Day to the combining, motorcycle-riding, cow-nursing Farm Manager extraordinaire!

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"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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Happy Gotcha Day, Demps, from Oban and me.  We think you are a very special and very lucky dog.  Oban hopes to meet you some day...


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Gotcha Day is great ain't it Demps? You look so happy. Living the life of Riley. Happy Day you handsome devil.

Sassy Jan 22, 2005



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